Discussion: DCCC Chair To Help Anti-Abortion Dem Fundraise Amid Severe Abortion Laws

There isn’t much point in criticizing Republicans. They never reform. The only option is to push them out of the seats of power, where that option exists. You have “gone after” Dems for not adopting your preferred action of impeachment. Similarly, I will feel free to criticize Democrats as I see the need for doing so.

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Or do you propose that they decide on who is a Democrat based on their own perceptions of ideological purity?

JFC, Lipinski is anti-abortion. This isn’t a nuanced foreign policy issue. So just fucking stop with the fucking “purity” bullshit!! You lose all your credibility with one word.


I suppose the question is on a case by case basis, and subject to change over time.


It’s a very safe Blue district. In spite of that, Lipinski voted against Obamacare.


Queen of the Donor Class is NDP, am I right or am I right.

BTW you replied to someone whose language we know you don’t like. It seems it only takes sharing a damning opinion about Dems

Fuck the DCCC and As I said, fuck them in case you glided over them.


DCCC will never get another dollar from me. Done.

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Sure, let Dem candidates run and fundraise and overlook the party’s principles, and then be sure to keep in mind what Senator Biden said and did when you and others consider his candidacy. Mainly, he was against abortion rights before he was for them. Nobody running against him is going to forget he did this.

The amendment — which the National Abortion Rights Action League called “the most devastating attack yet on abortion rights” — cleared a key hurdle in the Senate Judiciary Committee in March 1982. Support came not only from Republicans but from a 39-year-old, second-term Democrat: Joseph R. Biden Jr.

“I’m probably a victim, or a product, however you want to phrase it, of my background,” Mr. Biden, a Roman Catholic, said at the time. The decision, he said, was “the single most difficult vote I’ve cast as a U.S. senator.”

The bill never made it to the full Senate, and when it came back up the following year, Mr. Biden voted against it. His back-and-forth over abortion would become a hallmark of his political career.


It’s a lot easier to sell “always vote for the Democrat” in the general if the base gets to have a say in the primary.

Under the DCCCs logic, if an incumbent dem is corrupt, or just coasting along no longer representing their district, the concerned citizen should…vote republican in the general? that seems counterproductive

I don’t believe in term limits, but I don’t believe in congressmen-for-life either. There’s plenty of dead wood in the caucus and primaries are the way to prune it out.


Totally agree. More than 100000000%.

But they do need to defend incumbents to foster loyalty, so always a challenge.

I look at AOC as a model for how we can do things better.


Does Lipinski vote with dems usually?

What if he changed parties? Would he still win?

Just wondering.

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Lipinski is a target of progressive groups who look for solid blue districts where there are conservative Democrats serving (e.g. AOC and the Justice Democrats). They came within I think about 1000 votes of winning the primary last cycle and are running again. The DCCC is blacklisting all vendors (consultants, direct mail operators, other companies that provide services to campaigns) who work with democratic primary challengers but there seem to be enough vendors who are coming forward to help the primary challenger after the original ones pulled out. [DCCC has never been fond of primary challengers but this new policy is an increase in aggression]


Replace being “anti-choice” with “anti-Black” or “anti-Jew”. Everyone here would be up in arms. Women are expendable, even in the Democratic Party. We are supposed to sit back and support these candidates or risk being labelled “purists”.


His district is a D+6 and he ‘inherited’ that seat from his dad.

It depends on whether he’s still liked, but whoever wins the 2020 Democratic primary, that candidate should get over in the general.

Again, should…(do you see where I’m going with this?)


Sometimes threads which at bottom are about abortion rights sometimes wander into sharing of info about personal experiences from the women here. Unwanted pregnancies and having to give birth are what we wind up talking about as a form of catharsis. When do we get to demand more men have vasectomies or buy and use condoms instead of us having to have a medical procedure to right the wrong.


A corporation is a person, granted full rights and privileges by the Constitution, whereas a female is simply a vote to garner with zero constitutional protections. Many Democratic Party members (men) seem to be okay with this. The comments here are proof. It’s shocking really.


Good luck with that. Can’t get my wife of theirs, or my dead MIL off of the Republican equivalent.

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“Why, why, why, why is it that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn’t want to f##k in the first place, huh?”

  • George Carlin

I agree there is not a lot of empathy for the emotional and sometime physical anguish women suffer as a result of being denied an abortion. Everyone’s railing instead about some numbnuts congressman and the operating principles of a fundraising organization.


Because if they get lucky once, running into the neighborhood bicycle at the bar, they don’t want their chances of procreation to be ruined by her sobering up.

