Discussion: DCCC Chair To Help Anti-Abortion Dem Fundraise Amid Severe Abortion Laws

Always include the meme…


This. Fundies are willing to overlook all the many moral failings of the occupant including three marriages, sexual assault, etc because he’s going to deliver. Or at the very least cause more women to deliver babies.


He’ll bring more Lebensborn into the world…

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Watch us lose another election. One would almost think we’re working for the GOP.

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Don’t worry there are lots of billionaires who will. They have to protect their rackets whatever they might be.

Depressingly possible.

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I’m pretty sure I’m at the acceptance stage of denial…

We’re fucked, it’s just a question of how bad the damage will be.

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Isn’t it worse that they are playing God?


The DCCC is blacklisting any business that work for a primary challenger making it much more difficult.


Depending on motivation … not necessarily —

Just who is going to ’ fill them ranks ’ ?? …

If it was a Red district he might have an excuse but if I remember it was his father’s seat so you have to wonder how hard he had to fight to get the seat. I look for sympathy sometimes considering how difficult it can be to keep a seat in congress. But on this issue there’s none to give. And I’m sure I’m as old as Lipinski - and went to Catholic school - for a while till they kicked me out - but it’s a woman’s body and more importantly, a woman’s choice. It should be as fundamental as breathing.


The two situations are qualitatively different. One is constructive that actually focuses on an issue and an actual solution. The other is a colossal distraction and does nothing to address the issue. Many Dems do not seem to grasp the difference.

I’m criticizing, urging and attempting to persuade Dems of a course of action (impeachment hearings) that Dems have full control over that actually addresses a real issue: holding Trump accountable. That’s constructive, because I’m trying to ask Dems to do something that they actually have within their power and control to do. Going after Cheri Bustos does absolutely nothing to address the extreme anti-abortion laws cropping up around the country. It chews up valuable time and news cycles and distracts focus from organizing and driving up votes.

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no reason at all why Bustos should not be primaried. She even already has an opponent in her district who joined the race after she decided to destroy the livelihood of anyone who would help a progressive challenge an anti-choice incumbent. (I just gave him $10).

IMHO, if Pelosi is going to promote people who work against progressives, progressives should challenge non-progressive candidates in “purple” districts, not just blue. If the “centrist dem” incumbent loses in the primary or general, its a win for progressives — because its sends Pelosi a message — undermine progressive values, and the people that represent those values, at your own risk.

Sorry, but Bustos is a cancer on the Democratic party, and Pelosi needs to replace her immediately with a progressive who is going to make the DCCC something other than an incumbent protection racket.

They just won control of the House. Bustos had a big role in candidate recruitment.

I really appreciate your perspective. I’m a gay guy who definitely has never had a concern about a potential child.

So, my comments on the matter are not out of direct, personal concern … but out of concern for all of us.

The only thing worse than an abortion, is a woman being FORCED to endure a pregnancy she doesn’t want, or shouldn’t have. I HATE how the anti-choicers have successfully manipulated the argument to; it’s either this healthy baby or murder.

It isn’t.

The white (hopefully ALL) straight men who do this, are in this to dominate women.

G-d, if it was about life - they would champion prenatal care, WIC, and general decency, and proper mental health care after the 25% or more of miscarriages - not criminalize the victims(?) of their (men’s) sexual activities.

Apologies for the punctuation.


Rep. Bustos, he’s not one decisive vote in the Senate, he’s an outlier Rep in a comfortable majority of the House. Like all males I don’t have a uterus in this fight but if he’s going to vote like a Republican on this of all issues, in this of all times, why the Hell should my DCCC donations go to support him?

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[quote=“khyber900, post:72, topic:87952, full:true”]
The two situations are qualitatively different. One is constructive that actually focuses on an issue and an actual solution. The other is a colossal distraction and does nothing to address the issue. Many Dems do not seem to grasp the difference. [/quote]

This is all very surprisingly irrational from someone who usually takes far more rational positions. Many people who post complaints are merely carping, and would probably admit it if challenged. But many of those you criticize for making harsh statements against Democrats are, in their own views, being just as constructive as you think you are being. It is strange that you are so wrapped up in your own views that you cannot grasp this simple point.

The open question is whether or not Democrats actually do have that power and control, and even if they might for the House, what the results will actually be and if we will, in the end, merely show that we have no power to limit the lawless administration. (I am not necessarily taking any position here, merely pointing out that claims may be made that the illusion of power not acted upon might be better than the reality of power that is ultimately useless. Neither is really satisfying, so it is admittedly a tough call.)

Democrats urging the party to abandon Dan Lipinski is a power they actually do have, and those who recommend it see that as constructive because it takes out a thorn in our side in a district that should support a bluer candidate. To those who see this as a tangible act, it is not wasting valuable time or news cycles. It is only so to those who want to do something else. To those who feel that, at least under the current circumstances, that impeachment might not be the best course or use of resources, they see your position as being a waste of valuable time and news cycles.

It is fine to have and express opinions, but we should at least acknowledge that they are opinions, and that others who disagree with us might have their own valid points, even if we don’t happen to accept them or grant them the same importance.


This. Would it be asking too much that DCCC and Bustos stay out until the primary is over, instead of enabling the loathsome Lipinski to fend off his primary challenger?

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This take is past its sell-by date. Like most other significant medical procedures, abortion is a positive good for the tens of millions of women who choose to have one. It is long past time that we stop stigmatizing it as some sort of necessary evil. It isn’t. And years of treating it this way have put us utterly unnecessarily on the defensive in this debate. Someone you know has had an abortion. I am pro-abortion just as I am pro-knee replacement and pro-coronary artery bypass surgery.

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