he he …
Womp womp
Of course. Innocent people usually abandon their lives when accused. “only the wicked flee…most of the time”
He calls it suspension but he was expelled.
These bastards write all the rules for one another. It is amazing, using funds from your supporters to keep you in office and out of jail when you’ve been caught breaking the law.
Hochul might want to remain lieutenant governor so she can succeed Cuomo when he is elected president.
BAHAHAHAHAHA . . . Sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking.
Congressmen getting wealthy on insider stock tips, then voting to lower their taxes, and voting to pass this money to their children with no estate tax…surely the Dems can make this resonate with independents.
I believe under New York law there are only three ways that Collins could remove his name from the ballot. He could die, be nominated for a judicial position, or move out of state. I believe that only the third is an option. However if moved out of state would that result in his vacating his Congressional office?
That depends somewhat on the independents being open to hearing it. It’s almost impossible to teach something to someone that doesn’t want to learn.
His “option” to move out of state might also violate the terms of his bail bond.
That (he can’t vote from the pokey) is not clear to me, squirrel.
Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide.
(Emphasis added.)
The House could order the DoJ to deliver Collins to the House. Of course, if a Democrat were Speaker, I have a difficult time imagining the circumstances under which the majority would pass such an order.
I guess if he ends his reelection campaign he cant spend any money, whereas if he suspends it, he can.
The Tomb of Truth
Yes, and I can see only about a thousand ways this could be thwarted. I’m not sure live TV coverage by Chopper Joe, of “Convicted Felon Chris Collins” being delivered to cast his vote would happen more than once.
I love the fact that Collins was sharing insider info. while at Trump’s White House Picnic. The only thing that would have made it better is if at the time, he was on line for the “Bang the Porn Star” ride.
Only thing missing in this bleeding heart mea culpa is the part about “after praying with family and friends I’ve decide to do something or other.” My Nancy’s ears must be burning with all this loose talk of her and what she’s determined to single handedly do to destroy the R party.
It’s just remarkable how the worst of the worst immediately gravitated to Trump during the run up to the election. Almost like they saw a soul mate or something.
Collins, Flynn, Assange, Farage, Nunes, Sessions, Pruitt, DeVos, Prince, Zinke, etc. People who don’t think rules apply to them.
Publisher of the Enquirer put the Porn Star on this men’s magazine, first woman ever, in an attempt to legitimize the payment to her by Peckerwood.
I don’t get it. If he is to remain on the ballot then no other Republican can have the R line on the ballot? I guess he’s counting on his constituents not caring that he’s a criminal and voting for him anyway? I suppose in his district that is at least likely, and even if he’s found guilty they can keep the seat GOP as long as possible and really drag this all out.