Discussion: Burr Tell GOP Don Jr Left Senate Intel No Choice But To Subpoena After His No-Shows

Something has to break…meanwhile…I keep hearing Led Zeppelin…


The GOP worked hard to get tax funding cut to the lifeboats. After stoving holes in the planking of half of them, and dumping the water ration overboard. On the Titanic, 86% of first class children survived - only 31% of 3rd class survived.
The good news is that all of the 2nd class children survived.


In a fair and open market, you have to hear the water’s side of the issue too.


I’m just hoping that what my HS poetry teacher said is true, that “irony is the dominant mode of life”.

Lindsey was not a trump sycophant until literally the day of his golf outing with trump. It’s pretty clear that Putin has something on him as well as with his little puppet Donald, and gave trump instructions on flipping him. The USA has been compromised and the GOP is complicit by putting party b4 country.


This tells me the whole thing was a white-wash. Mueller has gone from hero to zero. I wonder if he’s compromised too and what they’ve got on him.

How can this be considered a serious investigation when they totally ignored traitor_tRumps finances?
That seems to be key to motive for traitor_tRump tower Moscow. If they approached other less high-profile cases with such kid gloves, I might buy it.

Remember, this is a GOP op from the top down. There’s no one to keep them in check.


“They’re going to crack Don Jr. like an egg.” -Steve Bannon

I’m still patiently waiting for Mr. Bannon’s prophesy to be proven correct.


Sharks are people, too.


Looks like Attorney General Barr has a colleague he should be investigating…

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Entitled little shithead would wilt like an under-watered pansy under some serious questioning. Bring on the popcorn.

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It’s not fake. As a millennial, he wants to kill the concept of American Democracy.


I’ve been braying this all along: if Mueller truly cared about this country, he would have sprinted to a camera or a bank of microphones or a witness chair to tell the tale. But, he didn’t. He just slipped back into the shadows, where he remains.


I’m just trying to find the bridge. Has anybody seen the bridge? Please, Have you seen the bridge?
I ain’t seen the bridge! Where’s that confounded bridge?


no, sharks are entertainment lawyers

Thank you! g’night everyone, tip your waitress!

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“Don Jr. is a chip off the old block–a liar, a crook, a grandiose view of himself, a coward…”

dude. those are their good qualities.


The election of the Dotard, legitimately or not, has put the US into uncharted territory.

Damned if you do. Double-damned if you don’t.


Which is why Biden needs to start coming to terms with republicans as they are today, not how he thought they were 30 years ago.


greasy civilian losing his grip on daddy’s coat tails for the moment.

wonder if fox bimbo, just wonders what she got herself into.

That’s the thing… I know it’s real yet, he still looks like he’s wearing a shitty disguise.

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For the 4th time today:

We are going to have to pull the trigger on Impeachment.