Discussion: Burr Tell GOP Don Jr Left Senate Intel No Choice But To Subpoena After His No-Shows

He can take the Fifth but that means he will not be able to answer any questions asked of him I believe. Are they making his testimony public? Or is that a bridge too far for Burr?


How about inviting Beavis to lunch at the Capitol Hill cafeteria. While there have the Sgt-at-Arms arrest his punk arrogant ass.


I want to complement your very thoughtful analyses that you offer on a mostly regular basis. It is a great help to me in gathering my own thoughts.



If Burr had a choice, he probably would have given Don Jr. a pass. But, he is the chairman, and with Warner as the lead Dem, they probably weighed the decision fairly before the subpoena was issued.
Being impatient after being held hostage for so long by the GOP (and ā€œhis Turnipnessā€), I really would like to see somebody do something not related to ā€˜paybackā€™, politics, or partyā€¦ but because it is appropriately required (like this subpoena).


Itā€™s my view that Burr is trying to do Jr a favor by giving him an opportunity to clean up his prior testimony. However, further to my comment above, I think Jr knows that it would open up more risk as his lies are key to protecting his father and family business from liability exposure.

if Burr somehow felt the desire to vote to hold Trump Jr in contempt, he would do something that Mueller didnā€™t: break through the shield that the DOJ has put around the Trump family and begin the process of holding them accountable.

As crazy and as unlikely as that might sound to many of us given what weā€™ve observed, the truth is the only reason Trump remains in office is b/c people in positions of authority have fallen short of what the moment demands. However, a number of folks have done some things to move the ball a bit down the field. The opportunities to do right by the Republic and history continue to appear. All it takes is for one such person to follow through.

A hypothetical but within the realm of possibility confluence of events would be: 1. Bidenā€™s emergence and Dem total fundraising make the possibility of a Trump defeat real for many GOPers and big $ folks, 2. The trade war with China persists and causes more political damage in the electorally sensitive rust belt which went hard against the GOP in 2018 while also souring market players on Trumpism, 3. Continued debt pile up and lower tax receipts in a good economy push interest rates up eating away at disposable income, 4. Dems succeed in winning these subpoena battles and in opening the floodgates of testimony in the House. Those factors could hypothetically cause Burr to break with the GOP and enforce the subpoena. That could, in turn, help open the floodgates at NYAG, SDNY, DC and other prosecuting offices to outmaneuver Barr and the WH/Trump legal teams. That would create the climate for impeachment and for continued prosecutions.


When Trump was elected, his menace was apparent. And his menace consists of step-by-step erosion of the devices we gave always depended on to check tyranny.

Put in nautical termsā€¦we are at the lifeboat stageā€¦and that lifeboat is the House of Representatives. Going forward, I expect Congressmen/women to be a little more direct and a little less cute.

All of the devices that Trump is corrupting are going to have to be seen as CORRUPT (and corrupted by Donald Trump) by the American People. If the House can achieve that, we have a much better chance of saving ourselves.


If Jr forces a Senate floor vote to enforce the subpoena, it will be a showdown of epic proportions. For there is no better way to put on the record those who support the legal operation of the Senate versus being a partisan hack for POTUS.

And just as soon as someone with brains within the GOP figures this out, the issue will defuse. Donā€™t hold your breath waiting on a wise Republican senator to step up.


Iā€™m still not sure about Burr. He reminded me a lot of the way Rosenstein acts: save yourself first.


When was the last time you saw any of those Senators being interviewed and asked questions like that? I havenā€™t seen that at all. Its like no one even bothers to get them on the record anymore. And when they do happen to go on Faux News the conversation is in a whole different direction away from those concerns because Faux wants to shield all those GOPers from accountability.


This entire thing is a ruse and a bunch of theater put on by the GOP. Jr will protest, stamp his tiny feet, shake his tiny fist and then be asked softball questions which heā€™ll not fully answer. The GOP will go along with it, claim there was a tough hearing, then go back to hounding Hillary about her emails and Benghazi. Itā€™s not ā€œlather, rinse, repeatā€, itā€™s the ā€œblather, wince, retreatā€ ploy used by the GOP every time. Don Jr. is never going to be held truly accountable.


ā€¦and McTurtle and Barr are sitting with a drill in the middle of the boat busy drilling holes in the bottomā€¦


Bull and Pucky. The GOPpers were not ā€˜outragedā€™ by Burrā€¦they did it ALL for TV. It was performance art. They donā€™t have the ballz God gave a worm to stand up to Trump or stand up FOR this country so they feign perpetual outrage that this country had the NERVE to elect 1/2 of the Congress Democrat. They were sure they had locked up the angry white entitled vote in this country and they could just lie their way to absolute power.


I have commented on Grahamā€™s conduct before but it bears repeating, This is a stunning abandonment of the rule of law by a sitting Senator. Itā€™s a canary-in-a-coal-mine moment and shows how deadly the atmosphere is. To go further down this hole is to risk smothering and killing American democracy (or whatā€™s left of it).

It makes me heartsick to see how we are losing our form of Government, one deadly step at a time. Reminds me of a book I read half a century ago as a poly-sci major in college.


Nah. He is retiring in 2022. This did not require much spine.


MOAR fraggings!

We should bulkmail copies of this book to all the Senators.


Itā€™s because he wants to look like his hero Jerry Falwell Jr. And he succeeded. You have to wonder if the pictures that Cohen got rid of for Falwell werenā€™t of him and Ivana. DJTJ certainly looks like him.

Maybe thereā€™s a CliffNotes edition, or a coloring book? Seems a bit too advanced for most of them.


Bur and Nunes carried info back to Trump during the Mueller investigation. Iā€™m sure heā€™s just another republican hack, maybe with a little more tact than most of the others.


If ever a smirk cried out to be wiped off someoneā€™s face, itā€™s this one. Bring the hammer down on the jerk!