Discussion: BREAKING: SCOTUS Upholds Trump's Travel Ban

So…did the dotard forget that North Korea was on his list?

They already went after Flores last week after the child camps went public. I wonder if this will in fact help them argue the overturning of Flores…

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The economy will start to tank from the trade war nonsense just as the Dems take over.

You tell me how that chronological correlation is going to play in the conservative propaganda echo chamber and MSM.


Your so-called “Partisan politicians” are mostly wealthy white male property owners who have legally and constitutionally remained in power for the entire history of this country, exactly as the U.S. Constitution was designed for them to do.

That is undeniable fact of history, and because of our Constitution, wealthy white male property owners are guaranteed to remain in power for decades more.

The Constitution will not save us.

And your silly name-calling and bullying cannot change these historical facts.

But, in your own words:

Be VERY afraid. That bullshit is ripped from an anti-NLRB anti-labor dissent and if you ask me, gives a giant hint of what The Fascist Five has been reading lately.


Um, no. President H. Clinton would have been able to replace one or more Justices. Yes, she would have had to deal with a Rethug Congress that would probably started impeachment proceedings against her because reasons. However, regarding SCOTUS specifically, we wouldn’t be staring into the abyss right now.


Based on their wording it appears that his ability to designate exclusions for “a class of aliens” includes the question of accepting refugees. Which means he can wipe away the current legal issues on the Southern border simply by blocking refugees from Central America. That may go against international law – but if that were true it would just be another feather in his cap for his fans. Blocking refugees from Central America would give him the ability to “hyper-streamline due process” and remove persons seeking refugee status en masse with a simple: “Honduras? El Salvador? Guatemala? Didn’t you hear? We don’t take refugees from Central America. Next!” I am not suggesting it, mind you, just saying it sounds like it might be coming.


The problem in this country (if it can be said to have “a” problem) isn’t wealthy white male property owners.

It’s the apathy and general abject stupidity of voters that keep them in power.


Or if you didn’t vote.

Shorter Kennedy: Doesn’t matter what his motives really were if there is just enough of shred of a fig leaf.

This one is going to rank up there with Dred Scot.


Anyone expecting the Supreme Court to stop this country’s slide into
fascism is living in a fantasy world. It is now as much a part of the
problem as Trump’s obedient congress. They are a big part of the problem
facing U.S. democracy.


I hear you. Tbh I thought you were a bot or paid troll. :laughing:

Muslims. Immigrants. The swamp in Brussels. The recipe that has kept Victor Orban in power since 2014. Also worked in Brexit.

Slightly repurposed to change the swamp to DC, we see it used to confounding success in the US. This “narrow” win for Trump is actually much broader: The conservatives on the court threw out the totality-of-circumstances in determining impact, not to mention a first step in establishing a state religion. So much winning.


I’m still kinda desperate to know whether they had to actually offer some kind of argument about WHY people from these particular countries were threats to national security. Didn’t they have to come out and say something like, “People from these regimes are more likely to turn terrorist” and then, like, offer EVIDENCE of that assertion?

If not, all it takes is “the President says he thinks they’re a danger” and “therefore he can ban them”? That’s it???

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Justice Kennedy will probably be dead by the time tRump gets around to denying entry from all Catholic countries. Deep down tRump really has no love for them either. Just one group among many, I suspect. All it would take is some High Catholic Authority, oh, I don’t know…like the Pope perhaps, to make a strong case against thin-skinned Donnie, who would recoil and then insanely lash out with some policy towards all Catholics. Don’t say it can’t or won’t happen. I’ve seen shit I never thought I’d see in this country in the past year and a half.

When you make entire groups of people responsible for what a small number of bad actors do in the false name of religion or national origin…anything from here-on-out becomes possible. Its shameful but that’s what this SCOTUS has effectively done.


Yeah I’m still waiting for the checks. :smile:

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Bernie told them not to do it. He told them. Maybe you don’t like the way he told them, but he must be presumed to have known best about how to talk to his own supporters. And the vast majority of them didn’t need to be told, they knew and voted correctly.

But a critical few didn’t care what real Bernie said. They listened to trolls like H.A. Goodman and, yeah, Susan Sarandon and were too angry that Reduced to an Abstract Symbol Bernie didn’t win and that once again the Democratic Party showed its hatred for them by refusing to give them exactly what they wanted merely because Hillary got the most votes and won the most delegates.

And the thing that’s really infuriating is that that critical few were laser-beam pinpoint targeted by the Russian social media trolling operation and still they refuse admit it.

I sincerely hope that enough of them have admitted, at least to themselves, that they fucked up, much as most of Nader’s voters seemed willing to do.

Nader, however, can choke on a bag of salted dicks and wake up in Hell for all I care.


I;ve had the news on mute all day but Pete Williams looks absolutely gleeful. I’m sorry…but I really dislike that guy. Cheney’s old Press Secretary. Tells me everything I need to know about the guy. Who works for the Devil? Apparently, Pete Williams did.

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Twice in the last 18 years the Republican candidate with fewer votes than the Democratic candidate has assumed the office of President. These two Presidents nominated 3 of the 5 Justices writing in the majority today to lifetime appointments on the Supreme Court.

There is nothing democratic about that, but it is an example of the way the Constitution was designed to keep wealthy white male property owners in power. It was not the voters who prevented Hillary Clinton (or Al Gore) from becoming President, it was the Electoral College doing exactly what it was designed to do.

The Republican members in the Senate and the Republicans in the House received fewer votes in total than the Democrats in both chambers. Women and minorities are vastly underrepresented in all branches of government. Most of the Senate members are white male millionaires. This is not a democracy or a representative republic, this is an oligarchy.

All perfectly Constitutional and legal. Just the way the so-called “Founding Fathers” (mostly wealthy white male property and slave owners) intended.

Today’s decision is just another example of this.

It isn’t the voters or even the candidates - it is the system. If we had a truely democratic presidential election both Gore and Clinton would have become President, regardless of third party voters.


Second action: find out who is paying these “So called judges” (see: Trump) for approving Trumps anti-constitutional religious-discrimination.

And find out exactly how much they are receiving… I daresay it isn’t a lot ($5,000 each?).

Traitors sell-out for so very little.

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