Discussion: BREAKING: SCOTUS Upholds Trump's Travel Ban

Make one change and one change alone to be the names of just “Christian” nations…and the right wing extremist SCOTUS court under racist Roberts and they would NOT allos Trump’s travel ban to stand.

Roberts and his 4 poodles are disgracing the high court and over 200 years of legal precedent.

Maxine Waters for President…time to take America back from the white nationalists and Oligarchy rulers!

“Korematsu has nothing to do with this case,” he wrote. “It is wholly inapt to liken that morally repugnant order to a facially neutral policy denying certain foreign nationals the privilege of admission.”

Looking forward to seeing how roberts claims this has nothing to do with anything when the court rules in favor of the actual camps donnie (or rather miller through donnie) will be ordering any day now.

SCOTUS is on a real tear these last few days:

  • Texas gerrymandering.
  • CA anti-choice propaganda center (aka “crisis pregancy centers”) law ruling.
  • And this travel ban monstrosity.

Bhut bhut bhut the founding fathers are the Founding Fathers! Godlike! And the constitution is a perfect document! America is the shining city on the hill. Always has been, always will be. No need to improve it.

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Well at least the thugs at ICE & CON will have someone to brutalize now that they can’t terrorize brown children.

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And many of us tried to tell you AT THE TIME. And you refused to listen. Own it.

$COTUS and POTU$ strike again!

It makes me wonder what Robert$ and Gor$uch and Thoma$, Breyer and Alito etc. are getting for these rulings? What is the price of a $COTUS judge these days? Or, as Trump says “So-called judges!”

Did $COTUS notice that Trump said he wants to cancel due-process entirely just the other day? Or do they have positions lined up already at Marble Lego?

Oh, wait! Only due process for dark skinned people! They’ll be sure to uphold that!

Tax churches and put an end to the outrageous policy of allowing those dens of superstition, ignorance and bigotry to exist without paying their fair share. If Muslims can be officially banned, then christianists can now be taxed to the full extent of the law. This SCOTUS ruling is horrifying and may have finally crossed the line to the point of civil war. Our government is now entirely unconcerned with the US Constitution and we citizens have the right to take up arms to protect our rights. I guess now’s as good a time as any.


The best possible way to enourage areligiosity and freethinking. Look at where European “State Religions” got them.


Women and minorities are MORE than expendable to these people: they make useful pawns for the American people to blame and hate. Every ghastly criminal action taken by Trump/Putin/GOP can and is blamed on “illegals” “Muslims” “abortion” “gays” “liberals”. It works every time.


Let’s not forget this goes back to the 2014 midterm when we lost 9 Senate seats and left the Supreme Court at the mercy of Mitch McConnell, a perhaps even better lesson for November. Republicans don’t win just because they turn out - they only win when they turn out and we don’t.


And Cornel West.

Goodman has, last I checked, resurfaced as a full-blown Trumper.


Average Americans don’t know Saudi Arabia was behind the attacks, they believe Iran did it under the direct order of Saddam Hussein.

That’s our corporate media, owned by billionaires who LOOOOVE Fascism/Trump.


We are headed into an era of unimaginable tyranny. Our Constitution and our democracy is hanging by a thread and is being dismembered by the day.

We have Russian traitors walking the halls of Congress, an illegitimate Russian puppet and Putin’s whore in the White House and at least one illegitimate Russian-appointed Supreme Court justice.

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The Reign ofnTerror of the French Revolution started with aristocrats and then expanded to just about everyone up and down the social-economic scale.

And then they beheaded the Leaders of the revolution/Terror.

Trump is too ignorant and dumb to know it, but $COTUS should remember that.


The next POTUS will be Trummp, and after than another vicious repug.

Your perspective is too shallow. The crime was first committed by the Republican Congress. Whether or not Clinton was elected President, we would not be in this position with the Supreme Court.

Things would be much better with Clinton in place, but the hijacking of a Supreme Court justice against all government norms was a enormous blow.


How soon will the Rs demand that the hundreds of millions of dollars paid in reparations to Japanese people who suffered because of their internment be paid back.


I have a friend who as a kid was incarcerated after EO-9066. This whole thing is gut-wrenching beyond description.


I just wish I knew what the standard boilerplate Republican even is anymore.

It sure ain’t what it used to be…


That is an eerily prescient statement. I do hope you are wrong.