Discussion: BREAKING: SCOTUS Upholds Trump's Travel Ban


I live on the edge of the continent next to the big blue ocean. Water is life, so I persist.


Not voting in EVERY LOCAL ELECTION, has substantial consequences!!!

So ALL eligible VOTERS must vote in every PRIMARY and GENERAL ELECTIONS.



Trumpism will leave a scar that will never properly heal. The scar will be permanent.


Methinks they’re just preparing for their next challenge when they take on their next big case over the Mexican Internment Camps…which you have to figure, they know is coming, or is right around the corner at this point. Those camps aren’t going away anytime soon, I’m afraid. And soon enough they’ll all be on federal land, on military bases, and out of sight will become out of mind, as the news media moves on just like they did with Puerto Rico.

This is what you call rightwing justices laying the groundwork for the next group of people they rightfully assume will eventually be attracted to vote for Democratic candidates, should they ever have the ability to become US citizens. It’s been the GOPers greatest fear for decades, and the numbers for them look worse today than ever, even bleak. They have to game the system in every way possible. SCOTUS’s wingnut justices have been recruited to stretch GOP majority status as long and as deep as they can, by any means where they eventually prove to be outnumbered. They willingly see this as their unspoken mission. They have abandoned all reason, in ways great and small, in order to do this. Righwing members of SCOTUS have been in on this effort for quite awhile now…pretending their decisions have no political intent. Bullshit, as we all know. They’ll even cite bogus arguments, that ignore salient points of disagreement on purpose, to invent a false narrative and bogus reasoning. (Rationalizing who has standing to bring cases in lower courts controlled by hardline justices has become another tactic, imo.) But let’s face it, Clarence Thomas hasn’t had a well-thought out position since he got on the court. He’s still an ignoramus. Neither has Alito for that matter. He’s just a plain garden-variety bigot on the high court. And now we have Mr. Loyal to the Dear Leader, Neil Fucking Gorsuch, who owes fealty for being able to get on the court even though he’s sorely lacking in so many ways…

If it means elevating and claiming false arguments of National Security coming from a moronic, bigoted, know-nothing Pissident’s point of view, whose racial and religious animus is well known to everyone in this country including the KKK, neo-nazis, anti-immigrant, and anti-Muslim groups who support him, then apparently no harm, no foul as far as these five justices are concerned. To them, that is totally irrelevant for some damn stupid reason. These justices may not want to see the kind of company they’re keeping by reaching their decision, but it seems fairly obvious that they chose to ignore so much of what was presented. Its not presidential authority that enables this kind of decision. Its insular white privilege that continues to be placed at a higher level of authority in determining who is allowed into our country.

The GOPers Golden Rule: He who has the gold, makes the rules.


Hate to agree with you, Darr. But yes. There will be blood spilt before this is over. Our institutions will not save us. Mueller won’t save us. I’m girding my loins for the long struggle.


My take away from this is that claiming the ban legal on the grounds of national security and giving the authority to trump to make this declaration is, to me the real dangerous part because of trumps authoritarian, resentful and vindictive psycho traits…

All i can say is VOTE otherwise its going to be impossible to keep him in check as he runs drunk for power and no one will stop him…


Personally, I don’t think it’s going to necessarily be us to keep him in check. Yes, we’ve got to vote every time like our lives depend on it. But, I think at some point, major businesses are going to have to step in and create a new dynamic if the country (or some part of it) is to remain intact.


Yeah so Roberts clearly rejected that ruling, while at the same time said it has nothing to do with this travel ban (no surprise there but still).

And, you know, I couldn’t care less what motivates them to do so… no, scratch that, I know what primarily motivates them. But if that serves as a major force to save us, I couldn’t care less.


So what exactly WAS the national security argument as applied to these specific countries? Didn’t he have to make a case for the DANGERS posed by these particular people because they were from these particular countries?

Why exactly are Venezuelans a national security threat?


“Korematsu has nothing to do with this case,” he [justice Kennedy] wrote. “It is wholly inapt to liken that morally repugnant order to a facially neutral policy denying certain foreign nationals the privilege of admission.”



Just can’t heart this. If I could I’d angry face this. What a shit right turn our country has taken. On every level.


I just want to thank the Jill Stein voters once again. Thanks for pointing out how Hillary would have been worse. I’m sure she would be banning races and religions left and right. Thanks for your elitist, self centered, stupidity.


Well, as the song goes, i’ll see you on the coast of Colorado, when California’s gone.

They do.

In 1972, I remember reading a post-election article in, I think, Rolling Stone, quoting a woman celebrating Nixon’s victory and declaring “This country’s gonna swing so far to the right you won’t be able to recognize it anymore!”

This pendulum began swinging in response to conservative alarm at the 60’s in general and the Warren court in particular. I hope it has reached the zenith of its rightward swing and has begun its return in the opposite direction.

We are at this point for many reasons. Josh makes a most excellent point in The Courts Won’t Save Us.

Democrats, progressives, people of color, leftists, and young people need to start voting and they need to vote in EVERY election.

Or at least as long as we still can.


“As a result, we may consider plaintiffs’ extrinsic evidence, but will uphold the policy so long as it can reasonably be understood to result from a justification independent of unconstitutional grounds.5”

Indeed, Josh. It’s a flat-out, 100%, willfully blind rejection of reality because reality isn’t very convenient for conservatives anymore. “Doesn’t matter what you’re DOING or WHY YOU’RE DOING IT as long as you’ve papered it over sufficiently to provide yourself with plausible deniability.” This is Lee Atwater’s famous quote I keep coming back to getting enshrined permanently into law.

"You start out in [2003] by saying, “[Raghead raghead raghead]”. By [2018] you can’t say “raghead”—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like [open borders, terrorism] and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now [that] you’re talking about [vetting travelers from certain countries], and all these things you’re talking about are totally [national security] and a byproduct of them is [that] [Muslims] get hurt worse than white [Christians]. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I’m not saying that. But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial [and religion] problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, “We want to [protect ourselves]”, is much more abstract than even the [vetting thing], and a hell of a lot more abstract than “[Raghead, raghead]”.

TL;DR - It’s not unconstitutional racist/religious discrimination if you’ve dressed the windows properly.


While I empathize with your anger, the true blame rests on a morally corrupt Congress that hijacked a Supreme Court Justice. THAT is something we should never forget or defer blame on.


“A reasonable observer would conclude that the Proclamation was motivated by anti-Muslim animus,” they wrote, even if the executive order “masquerades behind a façade of national-security concerns.”

I came here to say this, then saw that it was even in the fucking dissent.

The conservative justices are really bending over backward to pretend that Candidate Trump and President Trump are somehow two different people.

Of course, they are used to these kinds of contortions, because it’s the same technique they use to bust labor on behalf of capital, bust the poor on behalf of the rich, and defend the supremacy of whites and Christians.



We now have a way to ban Christians, Russians, golfers. This will come in very handy.

Thanks, conservatives!

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