Discussion: BREAKING: SCOTUS Upholds Trump's Travel Ban

Republicans are evil pricks. I’ll never take a step back from that here or in person. And if this isn’t the right place for me fine.


With the failure of courts to act on our behalf

saving the country will come from robust political movements, ones which will have to succeed in the face of daunting challenges to the right to vote in order to eventually redeem those rights.

Josh’s wisdom on display.


Agreed. But as you pointed out, they will. Especially if these tariffs totally screw his base, as they likely will.

Re Korematsu,

h/t: @leftcoaster

Make America Blue Again!


That’s why taking the Senate back is so important. If the Dems have the Senate and one of the Justices retires or passes away, the Dems can refuse to even hold hearings for any Trump nominee, even for 2 years if they want. There is no timetable in the Constitution, so what the Repubs did to Obama can easily justify the reverse treatment since based on Dems taking back Congress the country is leaning the other way.


Liked for spurring the argument.

Oh yeah, they’ll turn on trumpp. The Harley Davidson move will begin it.

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Yes. They are whoopin it up in the streets right now. This is another fabulous thing that Trump did to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


So even if Mueller comes thru and trump is sent to NYC in utter disgrace the Republic will stay shattered. We cannot depend on
the Congress to act to save the country
nor on Mueller to indict trump
or even the 25th amendment
the options are fewer and very very unpleasant
As others have rightly said here, elections have consequences.
I have seen combat, not as a member of the military but as a passer by in Prague in 1968. I saw people shot and killed not three feet from me. I really do not want to go there again but if it comes to it…

That is a Russian tank btw…


I didn’t know when I decided on a user name how blue I’d be after 500-odd (very freakin’ odd) days of this admin.


Dred Scott Part 2.

If anybody believes that Dems are going to get any advantage out of the mid-terms, just look around. Frankly, between Russian fuckery and Chairman Mal’s virtually unfettered (at least by SCOTUS and Congress) fuckery, I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t declare the elections fatally flawed and calls for new ones (which will never, ever be scheduled).

Yeah but…

Bill Clinton’s was about his sexual escapade which clearly Trump has trumped in spades. After Mueller has completed his investigation if impeachment is brought up it will be about treason, big difference making it hard to ignore even for the GOP.

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It’s anti Muslim animus, pure and simple.


I have finally seen some of them willing to wo/man up and come out and say they screwed up. Mostly, though, I’m seeing “it’s all your fault for being mean to us and not giving us what we wanted” and "it’s Hillary’s fault for not campaigning in Wisconsin and Michigan.


Stay blue. Stay true.



Oh yeah, trumpp’s crimes are on a whole different level than Clinton’s, and maybe those who claim to love this country will be disgusted just enough to think of it differently. But they’ll be looking over their shoulder at the next election cycle and how turning against the occupant will play back home.