Discussion: Boehner's Netanyahu Invite Is An 'Unprecedented' Diss Of Obama

This, from Haaretz: “Netanyahu’s Iran speech in Congress is a recipe for an explosive U.S.-Israel clash. - PM’s Congressional gambit unlikely to sway voters in Israel but could endanger Israel’s long term interests in America.”


Saudi Arabia is certainly in the mix here, Martin.

Can Obama refuse Bibi entry for any reason?

“The invitation from the Ohio Republican positions Congress, rather than the White House, as Israel’s ally.”

Brutal authoritarians of a feather flock together.


Also, they do like Revelations, which is in the New Testament.

It’s got lotsa blood and guts.

They also like the idea of the Rapture, although it’s a fairly new idea. The idea that they’ll be whooshed up into heaven, and get a ringside seat next to God while their enemies, the people they disagree with, smacked down? It does a Christian soul good.


He’s a terrorist?

I keed. Sort of.

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I doubt he would even consider this, he’s too classy to do anything impolitic. Despite the celebrated iciness between the two leaders, the US-Israel relationship is strong as ever. A couple years ago, Obama received the highest honor that Israel bestows on non-citizens.


Which is crazy – Iran is almost entirely Shiite, and ISIS consists of Sunni extremists. ISIS is no better a friend of Iran than Bibi is.


Navigating kosher dining can be tricky because so much food is prohibited by itself or in combination with other foods, but I’m pretty sure Merlot will make the cut.

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Looks like he’s auditioning for the part of “dog in the manger.”


Also no overnighters at Blair House.This whole charade must be on the dime of Boner and the Palestinian occupiers.

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What annoys me is all the Financial Aid the US gives Israel. The reason being is why do you give aid?. For influence. Yet Israel just ignores US requests with regards to foreign policy. As for Bibi… Bibi is a DICK. If he were a US politician he’s be slightly left of Dick Cheney. His interference in the 2012 election PO’d me off big time. I don’t get why Israeli’s vote for this DICK. France asked him not to come to that rally. He came then asked him not to give a speech. He gave a speech. Then he ram rodded his way up front in the march.

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Netanyahoo and classy is an oxymoron. And the ‘classy’ is the oxy part.

Well, there is that, which I think only goes to prove that you can use the Bible to support just about any position on any topic you want to take. I myself have never quite figured out just where Revelations fit with the rest of the NT. It reads like a bad acid trip.

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I would just love for Obama to make some huge announcement on either foreign policy or new Executive Orders. If Bibi speaks at 3:00, Obama should make his announcement at 4:00. He should bigfoot Bigfoot.


Just realized your post was a reply and referred to our President.

As Rosanne Rossana Danna would say, NEVERMIND!

Who’s next? Another paragon of republican ideals – like Vladimir Putin?

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I agree. Right now we are caught up with Saudi Arabia on one side supporting ISIS (or very recently having supported ISIS), Iran supporting factions fighting against ISIS and Netanyahu working the angles.

I’ve been posting on thecauses of terrorism and the above has just been touched on a bit.



He can certainly deny to meet with him. I hear an out of town visit coming up.

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I think bonehead Boehner is going to pay big time for this horrible and disrespectful antic!

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