Discussion: Boehner's Netanyahu Invite Is An 'Unprecedented' Diss Of Obama

I agree, the Republicans have avoided this issue, except for taking potshots at the Prez.

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He doesn’t seem to be rushing to make the case.

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He just started last night.


Maybe Boner could take him out for clams, oysters and scallops.


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There is not a single thing Netanyahu can say that will cause a problem for Obama. This entire concept is a joke and makes Boner look small.


Oh puh-leeze. Who cares about the Constitution when you’ve got AIPAC buying all the pro-Israel foreign policy and legislators they can afford?

And hey - what ever happened to political differences ending at the water’s edge? Yet another IOKIYAR moment.

While furtive boozy kisses are a Boehner speciality, a climax with Bibi could leave a lingering burning sensation…

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Just more of the ‘angry toddler’ mentality so pervasive in Republican politics.


I believe Netanyahu has just shown that the anonymous Obama administration officials were spot on in their characterization of him.

So the Republicans are going to be taking marching orders from a foreign government? Chickens of a feather shit together, it seems.


I never sell Netanyahu short. He’s evil, he’s a narcissist and he is dishonest, but he’s far smarter than Boehner.

Netanyahu has an election coming up. In Israel -as in any country- the right always benefits from a crisis. Fear and revenge pulls a country to extremes. These have been Netanyahu’s tools.

A year ago the talk of a unilateral Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear labs was a genuine worry of our government. There was fear that Netanyahu might launch an attack timed to interfere with our elections.

The conditions have since changed, with Iran and the US appearing to be coming to terms.

Two days ago Netanyahu launched a raid in Syria that killed an Iranian general. An Israeli general believes that the attack was politically timedfor of the upcoming Israeli elections.

In my opinion, Netanyahu is trying to provoke a response from Iran or their patron, Hezbollah. Any response could serve as an excuse for Netanyahu to launch unilateral strikes. If Israel attacked Iran there would be intense calls from congress, the lapdog media and many citizens to go to Israel’s aid.


Unfortunately for Israel’s leader, he is playing NO part in the Iran discussions. As it should be.

Only in casual speech, and even then it’s like using “ain’t” as far as I am concerned. In any event, news providers who want to be taken seriously should normally opt for a more formal style.

Don’t count on it

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I don’t think Bibi cares. He hates Obama enough to do it. I wouldn’t put it past him

Then again Netanyahu has his American base to consider. They loves themselves some red meat.

I wouldn’t put it past Bibi to show up and diss the President. He has done it before. He is a classless bully

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Because of course sowing hatred, racism, bigotry, chaos, war and desolation was the ultimate purpose for which the Prince of Peace was sent to earth…

Why is it that so many professed Christians prefer the blood-and-thunder God of the Old Testament to the forgiving father in Paul’s letters or Jesus’s parables? In their own way, they are as bloodthirsty as the extremist Muslims they rant about.


Pretty much nails it.


I dare him to do that. Fox wouldn’t cover it.

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