Discussion: Boehner's Netanyahu Invite Is An 'Unprecedented' Diss Of Obama

The Constitution gives the President primary responsibility for conducting relations with other nations, with the Senate having the responsibility to “advise and consent”. The House of Representatives little standing in conducting foreign relations, and of course the Prime Minister of Israel has none at all.


I see this in part as a response to Obama’s executive actions on immigration.

Maybe Herzog and Livni will invite Mr. Obama to visit Israel.


I don’t understand. Is there an AUMF in place in regard to Iran?

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If republiCONS want to hang with that pariah… have at it. If they are seen as blowing-up the p5+1 negotiations with Iran before they conclude, they’ll only be that more distrusted and loathed in the world.


Netanyahu is being used as a tool by Johnny Boehner to appease the bible-thumping evangelical christian republican base who want to hasten the armageddon and second coming of jesus christ so that he can judge the dead and the living. Bibi is too myopic, too arrogant and too greedy for attention and does not see that he is a pawn in Boehner’s scheme.

Many evangelincal and religulous fundamentalist Republicans elected to Congress want to set the stage for the second coming by sowing hatred, racism, bigotry, chaos, desolation and wars in the middle east.


I disagree with the fellow towards the end. There are policy differences but what does this prove to resolve those? Nothing but political football.


No, unless you count the 2001 AUMF. I think they’re trying to jam Obama into making the case for a new AUMF to fight Islamic extremists. I suspect Bibi will try to conflate Iran and ISIS.

Jack Goldsmith reckons Obama is trying to run out the clock on a new AUMF.


Got it, thanks.

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The US has little or no influence in Israel beyond being a money fountain.


And strippers? Please let there be strippers…

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Imagine if Speaker Pelosi had invited the President of France to speak to Congress to show opposition to Bush’s rush to war in Iraq. (Yes, I know she wasn’t speaker then). Imagine the outage, the cries of “treason!” the furious tut-tutting by our esteemed pundits.


I disagree—I think Obama wants a new AUMF so that the congressional GOP will have some ownership of the issue.

Obviously, the administration believes that the 2002 and 2003 AUMF give it the authority to go after ISIL.
But the current Congress has no skin in the game, so to speak, and they are therefore free to criticize whatever Obama does while claiming that they had no part in it.

A new AUMF would stop that little game in its tracks.


Boehner’s sure got some chutzpah! Oy!

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And this is patriotic? Cow Towing to a foreign leader in order to slap your own?

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It’s bad enough that Boehner believes he has veto power, choosing to simply not let the House consider anything he doesn’t personally like. That’s not in the Constitution. The only Constitutional veto power is reserved for the President…you know, that Black guy in the White House. And the Constitution even allows for that to be over-ridden. Boehner’s power is absolute. Now, he’s screwed up another Constitutional thing…that the executive branch shall conduct foreign policy. Somebody needs to sue Boehner to put him in his proper place.

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I see what you did there. Maybe Boner’s staff can advise him on menu choices.

He may “love to humiliate Obama” but doing so would be very unwise. The GOP is not likely to elect a POTUS in 2016 so Beni can look forward to a Prez Clinton…and a not too happy one. The USA must conduct it’s foreign policy along lines that are best for the USA. Netanyahu would go nuclear if someone tried to run Israel’s FP other than him. Besides, he only needs to take a look at GOP FP to see that he wants no part of it.

I’d love to cut this country off. The Palestinians too. Dump the lot of em.


The main terrorist threats against the United States are from the virulently radicalized and toxic jihadi sunnis funded by our allies, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait, who want to establish a caliphate and sharia law.

For too long, our Middle East policy was guided by Israel security interests and oil with some secondary influence from end time fundamentalists interested in hastening the second coming of jesus. It is time re-calibrate our middle eastern policy to combat sunni terrorism and the spread of jihadi ideology. We need to factor in the link between sunni ideology, indoctrination and the barbaric terrorism across the world into our middle east policy.

Iran is Shia muslim. Israel has a covert nuclear program and may view Iran as threat because it has nuclear ambitions also. Nonetheless, Iran is also more democratic and culturally advanced than the Sunni states, which are primitive, culturally backward, tribal societies that are still stuck in the era before Muhammad lived.


Worth repeating.

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