Discussion: Boehner's Netanyahu Invite Is An 'Unprecedented' Diss Of Obama

Discussion for article #232305

State Dinner? Yeah. Boehner will enjoy taking Bibi to Five Guys for a cheeseburger (extra bacon).


I have a strong feeling this will backfire on Boner. Netanyahu won’t be able to deliver all the raw meat that Boner wants him to deliver, and Boner will be left looking like the swollen prick that he is. Meanwhile, back in Israel, lots of people understand that the U.S. executive branch conducts foreign policy, so Netanyahu’s appearance will be viewed as a political stunt that endangers Israeli-American relations.


I’m curious to see if Netanyahu takes the bait. Boehner’s made him a pawn and I suspect that as much as Netanyahu would love to humiliate Obama, he may dislike even more being used. And I think he might be smart enough to realize that he can’t hurt Obama in any way that will undermine his ability to control foreign policy in the next two years. Not to mention what will the House and Senate will look like in 2016.


Bibi The Bloody is the poster child for wanton, genocidal aggression. Just the kind of values that epitomize the GOP. And, at this point, no diss of the President is unprecedented, even if it’s never actually happened before (‘You lie!’ comes to mind).


Obama will be in good company: Francois Hollande didn’t want him coming to France last week, either. He stinks up a joint just by being there.


Oh, he’ll come, alright. Bibi always looks for a place that will show him love. And there aren’t many left, except for AIPAC joints.


So Boehner has decided to go rogue on foreign policy. Boehner may be the leader of the House, but he is not the head of state, and this will probably backfire on him the next time he’s being interviewed and criticizes Obama on foreign policy. In fact, this could be used against Republicans everytime they complain about Obama taking some unilateral action.


President Obama should respond by ignoring Netanyahu’s visit entirely. No face time with the executive branch; no state dinner. Let Boehner entertain his pawn.


My guess is that Netanyahu will use his address to Congress (if it actually takes place) for his own purposes rather than Boner’s purposes. I think anything he says about Iran will be in the nature of general platitudes rather than a specific criticism of the U.S.-Iran negotiations, because he knows that successful negotiations are Israel’s best bet. I would expect Netanyahu to pitch his West-Bank settlements, which every American administration has opposed and which could do more political harm than good to Boner.


The more US-Israeli relations are strained, the more hope there is for a peaceful resolution of the Palestine-Israel situation. The only reason a resolution hasn’t been reached yet is because the US continues to condone the criminal behavior of Israel, while blocking any international attempts at forcing a peaceful resolution. This is hopeful thinking, though, and Netanyahoo is shrewd enough to realize he can’t push the envelope here.


do these guys really want to set this kind of precedent … you have a foreign policy disagreement with the president so you get a foreign leader to come into the AMERICAN congress and do your fighting for you??

I’m sorry…I’m not seeing the good for Boehner or the GOP here.

What’s next…Boehner get the Canadian Prime Minister to come into Congress and promote the Keystone Pipeline.


Bibi’s political whoring in Paris didn’t go unnoticed in Israel, neither will this. He’s flailing. This will help him about as much as Romney’s trip to Israel did for his election.


What’s next…

Maybe David Duke to speak before Congress about the race relations in the South?


After what a great job the Republicans did with foreign policy between 2000 and 2008, this is exactly the kind of leadership they’re known for.

I think each of the Republican Presidential candidates should be asked if they think, as President, they would support Congress trying to conduct the country’s foreign policy?


Wait, Netanyhu is a foreign leader? So, what, you’re saying he’s the leader of some foreign country in addition to being the leader of Israel?


Now I believe Boehner to be a subversive.!!! As a veteran I absolutely believe this. What a low life piece of s#%@.


But the Boehner invite …

“Invite” is a verb.

“This shows gravitas.”

This shows pettiness.

FIFY, you unabashed Netanyahu supporter.


Childish GOP games.