Discussion: Boehner's Netanyahu Invite Is An 'Unprecedented' Diss Of Obama

I guess it’s like the big finish in a lavish cast-of-thousands production.

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That’s OK.

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Exactly. Iran is currently fighting ISIS via their proxy, Hezbollah.


Only Prime members will be able to follow that link Martin. Might be best to copy it here for all to see.


The President is in no way obliged to make time for one of Boner’s visitors. And in fact, to do so would set a horrible precedent. Frankly this is all much ado about nothing, since he won’t accept. Netanyahoo only pretends to have testicular fortitude. That is only towards those he can bully with the military we bought him. He mistakenly thinks he’s the chips in the bag, when in reality he is the disposable plastic.


If Bibi wasn’t a prick, he would turn it down. So, expect to see Bibi here soon.


AIPAC and the U.S. Congress; Bibi’s BFFs.

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I’m thinking someone in the administration, State Dept. maybe, is going to communicate with Boner and remind him that it is not the Speaker of The House who implements foreign policy. The speaker is trying to upstage the president, and he needs to be reminded of his limitations


There’s been enough discussion here today about Bibi’s testicles and prick that I’m tempted to throw in something about circumcision. But I won’t.

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Remember in the film Farenheit 9/11, and Moore lists the “coalition of the willing?” That was so hilarious (and scary.) Your comment brought that to mind for some reason. Democrats should have brought all those heads of state to come and argue FOR their involvement. The whole parade would have crumpled at Cheenies feet.

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Get Michelle Bachmann back to ask why we aren’t bombing Iran already. Maybe Bibi can tell us.

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Yep. Anyone who watched Boner’s face during the State of the Union last night knows that his brain is no longer capable of generating thoughts.


Duke canceled but the Nuge is in

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I say let them go through with it. It just seems like a train wreck for both Boner and Netanyahu.


Nancy could call a Democrat meeting of all democrat congress persons while Netanyahu is speaking.

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An invitation.

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Is this Michelle’s relative?

Effing patriots my ass.

Maybe just another sop to Sheldon Adelson, the right wing’s favorite butter-and-egg man.


Far more problematic is Netanyahu’s willingness to openly defy the president in his own Congressional backyard on an issue on which Obama has vowed to fight to the end. In his State of the Union address on Tuesday night, Obama drew a line in the sand, saying that the new sanctions “will all but guarantee that diplomacy fails – alienating America from its allies; and ensuring that Iran starts up its nuclear program again.” Pledging to use his veto against any new sanctions bill, Obama said that “The American people expect us to only go to war as a last resort, and I intend to stay true to that wisdom.”

It goes without saying, of course, that had Netanyahu and Obama fostered a better relationship, despite their differences, this showdown could have been avoided. By accepting Boehner’s invitation, Netanyahu is allowing himself to be used as a Republican instrument in the GOP’s ongoing clash with Obama, a position that he already holds by virtue of his 2012 intervention on behalf of Mitt Romney. He is openly aligning himself with legislation that Obama claims will derail diplomacy with Tehran. And if Obama’s predictions are borne out by events, he is exposing himself to the claim that he was a main protagonist in driving the United States to the brink of war or to war itself with a major Middle Eastern power, to the chagrin of American public opinion, which opposes such a move.

These dangers go far beyond the scope of electoral ploys and political machinations. At best, they could jeopardize any hope for an amicable relationship between Obama and Netanyahu, should he win the March elections. At worst they could lay the groundwork for an unprecedented and potentially explosive rupture in U.S.-Israeli relations and in Israel’s long-term standing in American public opinion.