The NYT article was six weeks before he tweeted. The Breitbart story on the Levin rant was the day before. I’d bet quite a lot that after the furor over the tweets, Dear Leader’s staff went back and found the NYT article to give him some kind of vaguely plausible cover that would allow him to avoid admitting he got it directly from Breitbart.
This is just like his claim that he “saw thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating 9/11.” His staff went back and found an article reporting on how there had been some unconfirmed, and unconfirmable, reports of some celebrations, which he then used for cover. Then, when the reporter corrected Trump and confirmed that what Trump claimed is not what he wrote, Trump mocked the reporter’s disability.
He doesn’t have the self-control not to make the accusations public. He sees some conspiracy theory involving him from some RWNJ, gets outraged about it, and is compelled to complain in public, regardless of truth or lack of evidence.
It may be a good thing that he ignores the legitimate intelligence (or that the IC is hiding it from him). Does anyone really think he has the self-control not to blurt out national secrets, if he thinks it will help him or just his enemies in some way?
Seems that $arahPalin is influencing TrumptyDumpty. He has adopted her pattern speechiness and he relies on her counsel because $he reads things…$he reads 'em ALL.
At least Dick Cheney had the smarts to plant his ‘proof’ for WMD with Judith Miller at the NY Times.
Is Eric Lichtblau (“FBI: Nothing to See Here re tRump Associates and Kremlin; Move Along Now” - 10 days before the election) the NYT’s modern-day version of Judith Miller?
Which is a smart move, if that’s what they were doing - the NYT’s Lichtblau certainly burned them right before the election (and the rest of us, for that matter)
“I had been reading about things,” he told Carlson. “I read in, I think it was January 20, a New York Times article where they were talking about wiretapping. There was an article, I think they used that exact term.”
He was reading the NYT on January 20th? First of all, he either can’t, or doesn’t, read anything that isn’t specifically an article about himself, and second, he was doing all this heavy lifting on Inaugration Day? I guess he doesn’t remember what happened on January 20th.
Unbelievable. His lying is getting lazier and sloppier as his brain drains away.
Good grief!! This man is functionally illiterate. He cannot read and comprehend. The only positive about this whole embarrassing episode is that it distracts the Orange Horror from doing damage somewhere else. Although he and his miserable Cabinet are doing plenty of that. He is a carney barker, and not a very smart one, who has managed to be elected president thanks to a lot of pusillanimous R’s and deeply ignorant voters.
Would that were true. As for his whole life, he is surrounded by energetic, syncophantic enablers who will use his considerable means, now amplified by his powerful position, to make what he thinks to be true seem to be true. They will prop up this brain dead individual for the next four years, obfuscating his inanity, covering up his criminal and immoral behavior, and pretending that he is wearing the finest clothes. Or, as @littlegirlblue else posted in another thread:
Okay PLEASE tell me what your message is… WITH the capitals at the beginning of sentences I have: TUDTARSSESGOLFEOEHDTNFRWETP. WITHOUT the capitals at the beginning of sentences it is: UDTARSESGOLFEEHDTNFRWETP… I have run this through a bunch of anagram programs and tried manually for a good long while now - What Does it Mean? PM if you have to.
Oh, Donald, you fucking maroon. It wasn’t Obama who was spying on you. Jimmy Stewart was watching you through his binoculars from his wheelchair in the apartment across the courtyard. And he knows you chopped up your wife and shoved her remains in a steamer trunk, too!