That’s not true. That article isn’t about solar power at all.
According to three tweets and an email I read this morning, that link is to a piece which proves that George Soros paid to have Michelle Obama (then Michael LaVaughn Robinson) undergo gender reassignment during the first two years of her life.
Donnie keep watching Fox and you will be able to drain the Swamp and
turn it into a Cesspool, Brett Baier, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly WILL
People who voted for him are the kind of people who are angry because all of their lives they’ve made bad decisions, so they vote for him and now, slowly, they’re realizing they have just done it again.
This guy has access to the best intelligence in the world yet he relies on Brett Baier and Breitbart as his sources. Donald’s stunning ignorance and lack of judgement on display for all to see.
That’s what is so fucking weird here. He could have gotten to the bottom of this accusation himself, without making anything public.
He’s the fucking president and he acted like he was a private citizen in this situation - asking someone else to find out something he is capable of finding out on his own.
And that has made the whole thing that much more confusing.
No shit - really? We didn’t know that. I’ve never seen someone who meanders more as he talks. Insofar as one’s speech is a window into one’s mental processes and abilities… ye gods, donnie - you’re an idiot.
“And don’t forget, when I say ‘wiretap,’ those words are in quotes,”
Wow - what mental acumen! How suave you are donnie, sneaking that claim into your interview. I almost did forget… that your surrogates had, post hoc, invented that claim, that is. Thanks for reminding me of yet another one of their/your lies.
It is easy to laugh at Trump’s propensity to lie and believe every right wing wacky story despite the lack of any evidence. But given that he is the President of the United States, his credibility (or obvious lack thereof) is a major problem for us. When he “speaks” or “tweets” he is doing so as the so-called leader of the free-world. How are we, our allies and non-allies supposed to determine what is true or what is not true - i.e. when to take him literally and when not?
In addition, this cry-wolf scenario makes it more and more likely that there will come a time when it is essential that he speak truth, that we all believe him, and that we act accordingly for our safety and security. How will we know when to do that?
It is truly disturbing to think of how our credibility as a nation depends on his…and how little he has…
Sure Donnie. Maybe when they reveal these “interesting items” over the next few weeks, they can also tell us what your people were finding in Hawaii re:Obama’s citizenship.
Sheesh. I can’t watch this buffoon on TV and it’s impossible to even try and read what he says without the image of Alec Baldwin. I mean, he’s speaking but not saying anything!
Why won’t a reporter ask him, “Don’t you think that the President of the United States lying about this is a very serious issue?”
Of course, I certainly wouldn’t expect that from Tucker Carlson! Or from anyone at Fox News. Actually, I wouldn’t expect that from anyone, I guess. My expectations are pretty low these days.
For anyone who has wondered if there were really people out there so credulous as to accept every bizarre proclamation issuing from Fox News as gospel truth, here is a prime example.