Right?! He is incapable of pulling off any complicated plot that takes some brain and work… keep vomiting crap until fatigue, confusion and adaptation set in on the receiving end is all he does.
This is our Idiot in Chief.
We are still waiting for that proof out of Hawaii of the Kenyan birth certificate!
He must be persuaded or coerced into resigning the Presidency. Impeachment proceedings would be decried as another Obama conspiracy against the country. The so-called base would completely lose it. His Cabinet doesn’t have the collective brains or wherewithal to use the 25th Amendment- they know they’d be hung from a lamp post if they turned on Trump.
Somehow he must resign, using whatever ‘reasonable’ rationalization he can muster, along the lines of his business is losing billions or something. Just get the smartest people in DC to figure out how Trump can resign and save face whilst doing so.
Meanwhile, there’s 9 or 10 ways we can fix this:
Become a Precinct Committee Officer, sometimes it’s a Ward office. You’ll meet with neighborhood Dems and get out the vote. Find good citizens willing to run for office.
Register people to vote. If you need to help people overcome the GOP-led Voter run-around help them do that.
Run for School Board. Make sure Civics is being properly taught. Think a majority of America knows how government works? Today’s 12-year olds will be voting for President in 8 years.
Run for City Council, County Commissioner, Borough Assembly.
Get appointed to your Planning Commission. Know everything going on in your community.
Run for State Legislature or Congress. The next census is in 2020, then we’ll redraw Congressional Districts. Get rid of GERRYMANDERING! Safe GOP seats gave us such intellectual giants as Louie Gohmert and Steve King. In most cases it’s the state Legislature that draws Congressional boundaries. Make it FAIR, OPEN and HONEST!
Get rid of every stinking voter ID law in the land. The DEFAULT should be the ease of casting your legal vote.
We can finally put paid to the GOP’s fantasy of ‘running government like a business’, so let’s get people in there interested in helping Americans in general, helping govern the country, not just handing out generous tax breaks to the chosen few.
Overturn Citizens United. Money is NOT speech and Corporations are NOT people- at least not until Texas executes one.
Unfortunately this "gutless buffoon " has a cult following that is very hard to understand. When his supporters are interviewed their responses seem as far from reality as their clueless leader is.
Clearly the solution, taking a cue from Huckabee, is infecting Ivanka’s down-market jewelry with small pox…
My take? He’s just blowing smoke and flinging bits of red meat to the base to cover any number of issues. How about this?
For the second time in a month a Russian spy ship has been spotted near the US coastline, this time off the coast of Georgia. The Viktor Leonov, a Russian spy vessel outfitted with a variety of high-tech spy equipment and designed to intercept communications signals, was spotted some 20 miles south of the US Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay near the Florida border, a US defense official told CNN. It was heading north.For the second time in a month a Russian spy ship has been spotted near the US coastline, this time off the coast of Georgia. The Viktor Leonov, a Russian spy vessel outfitted with a variety of high-tech spy equipment and designed to intercept communications signals, was spotted some 20 miles south of the US Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay near the Florida border, a US defense official told CNN. It was heading north.
In draft budget documents first reported by POLITICO, the Coast Guard’s budget for fiscal 2018 would be reduced 14 percent to $7.8 billion, while the TSA and FEMA would both see drops of more than 10 percent…Hardest hit would be the Coast Guard’s budget for new helicopters, vessels and other equipment, including the cancellation of a new national security cutter, the Coast Guard’s largest ship class.
I read ‘somewhere’ recently …using the Saget Method of reliable sourcing…
I pity the spirochetes that got trapped in Mangolini’s bloodstream.
It’s unclear which single committee Trump was referring to
Obviously, it’s the one established by Article XII of the Constitution!
Mathematical formula: Fox News = Fake News
Yeah, I admit it’s not the most glamorous of assignments, but it would appear that they eventually got the best of him. So in that sense we should give them our respect as true patriotic bacteria.
But a report prepared by your own CBO is disregarded as not credible. Terrorists win.
Here’s my script for the next This Modern World cartoon, not because I think that the cartoonist needs ideas or can’t keep up all by himself but just because, and I myself can’t draw hands*, or any other feature.
Panel One: Alex Jones ranting and sputtering about how Hillary and Barack Obama are demons who their aides say “smell of sulfur” (actual thing that happened, his saying it I mean)
Panel Two: President Trump Tweeting that President Obama and Hillary Clinton were actual demons who in fact have signed contracts with Satan to hand over the government to him, and also they smell like sulfur, aides say, in case anyone wanted proof of the demon thing.
Panel Three: US news media reports non-stop about the “question” of whether the last president and secretary of state are demons who had contracts with Satan, with panels debating pros and cons
Panel Three: Congress and the FBI set up investigations to see if there is any evidence of contracts with Satan and bring in sniffing dogs for the sulfur thing just to cover all bases…
*Obscure “Peanuts” reference
Carlson interrupted: “Right, but you’re the President! You have the ability to gather all the evidence you want.”
Smarter guys than Tucker have tried and failed to educate Bannon’s sidekick on, well, anything.
Whoa—those herring have big teeth!
Ah-HA! Got you now, you sumbitch. If the can was empty, it couldn’t have been a can of peas. Peas=not empty. Empty=no peas. NO PEEEEEEEAAAAAAASSSSSSS…!!!111
Proven with “geometric logic”?? (I am not disputing your formula, just couldn’t resist a “Captain Queeg” reference.) I’ll show myself out.