Discussion: Asked For Wiretapping Proof, Trump Cites Reports That Don't Prove His Claim

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It’s all crashing around you, Donnie. Your beliefs and perceptions are not facts.


Trump foUnd empty can of peas unDer the resoluTe desk attAched to a veRy long string. Secret ServicE followed StrinG to baseOf Lafayette statue in laFayettE park. OthEr end attacHeD to empTy caN oF ravaioli, chef-boy-R-dee. WirE TaPp!


Alrighty now, I’m confused. Trump saw the words ‘wire tapping’ in the NYTimes and immediately his little pea brain (and tiny little fingers) decided he needed to tweet an accusation of a felony against the former President? And then he read more ‘wire tapping’ stories and decided to double down on his accusation and say how ‘bad’ Obama was? Really???


Right-Wing radio host Mark Levin told a whopper based on some speculation or rumor one of his idiot listeners put in his ear, then this rumor was picked up by like a piece of trash off the street by Breitbart and published where the President could read it. Then the President, because he prefers lies that serve his purpose to the truth (which does not), tweets it.

This is your fake news (Propaganda) cycle.


The moon landing was fake! This link proves it was a hoax : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon_landing

And the Patriots did not win the Super Bowl. Check out this link for proof! http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000784357/article/super-bowl-li-explained-how-patriots-pulled-off-epic-comeback

And here’s a great article about solar power : http://www.sportingnews.com/other-sports/news/westminster-dog-show-2017-results-winner-schedule-tv-streaming/1ebx551ni6v4y1ao038vwyv52e


@dave_adams: Common troll technique, ref. NYT when actual source is a RWNJ schlock aggregator such as Breitbart, Daily Caller or Drudge screaming “NYT PROVES …” or “… ADMITS …” or some such nonsense.

Apparently a common feature of RWNJ self-loathing is shame as regards their own trex.


“I do, I do, but I think that frankly we have a lot right now,” Trump said. “And I think if you watched the Brett Baier and what he was saying, and what he was talking about, and how he mentioned the word wiretap, you would feel very confident that you could mention the name. He mentioned it. And other people have mentioned it. But if you take a look at some of the things written about wiretapping and eavesdropping…"

“And don’t forget, when I say ‘wiretap,’ those words are in quotes,” he continued. “That really covers – because wiretapping is pretty old-fashioned stuff. But that really covers surveillance and many other things. And nobody ever talks about the fact that it was in quotes, but that’s a very important thing. But ‘wiretap’ covers a lot of different things. I think you’re going to find some very interesting items coming to the forefront over the next two weeks.”

Pyschotic, absolutely psychotic. But remember there are air quotes around psychotic.


America spins her wheels with this gutless buffoon.
If McMaster want another star he should consider the fine old art of pillow smothering…

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So, Trump took CNN to the woodshed and trashed them publicly (and endlessly) over a reporting mistake concerning the MLK bust… What are the odds that he will treat this ‘Fake News’ story emanating from Fox and Brietbart the same way?

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If you don an aluminum foil hat you can clearly hear and see spys listening and watching you constantly…constantly, I say! It’s Obama watching and listening! Obama, I say!!


When its appropriate, after noticing a Trump claim,CNN’s Brian Stelter will try to trace it back to where 45 first heard it.


At least Dick Cheney had the smarts to plant his ‘proof’ for WMD with Judith Miller at the NY Times. Dumbass thinks Breitbart = NYT.


Psychotic, or showing signs of dementia?
Maybe 4 decades of Adderall use, too.
Also, here’s a “Fact”: Roy Cohn didn’t get AIDS until after he met Trump. Just saying… and remember Trump’s “Vietnam”.


why not all three?


now back to my bracket



“I just want people to know, the CIA was hacked and a lot of things taken. That was during the Obama years.”
– Dysfunctional Donald

Do we know the Obama era CIA documents weren’t recently gifted to Wikileaks’ Assange by Trump’s enablers acting as couriers, perhaps these guys?


This truly reminds me of a great old Bob Saget joke:

'“It’s true, I read it. I wrote it down, then I read it.” As I posted elsewhere, this continued fantasy is simply further evidence that Trump is mentally (as well as otherwise) unfit to hold office, and should be removed. Time for “25th Amendment” remedies.


I read those passages over several times, once out loud. The cadence, incoherence and repetitive nature, reminded me of the speech patterns of late 1960s, stoner college acquaintances.


In other words - Don LIED !
Don needs to be held responsible for accusing a former president of a felony.
Don is a LIAR and every one of his lies needs to be exposed and he needs to be reprimanded for all these lies!
What a disgusting human being and absolutely NOT presidential.