Discussion: Asked For Wiretapping Proof, Trump Cites Reports That Don't Prove His Claim

The only thing Donald Trump has ever read from cover-to-cover is the Reader’s Digest Condensed Books abridgement of “See Dick Run”.

You know, I might almost forgive Trump if he wasn’t so dishonest. And ugly. And fat. And stupid. And narcissistic. And greedy. And heartless. And needle-dicked. And flatulent. And orange. And having an ass the size of Akron, Ohio.

I had an older neighbor a few years back, a very sweet woman in her early eighties, whose beloved husband was suffering horribly from the ravages of Alzheimer’s. I helped her care for him whenever I could, but one time, in a moment of complete honesty and exasperation, she said to me, “You know, I love my husband with all my heart and soul, but it would be really nice to get through one day when I didn’t have to clean the shit off the walls.”
She died about 5 years ago in a nursing home. And now, under Donald Trump, the majority of people in this country knows EXACTLY how she felt.

"I call it the failing New York Times. But they did write, on January 20, using the word ‘wiretap.’ "

Mr. Trump cited news reports as evidence for his wiretapping claims.

“I’ve been reading about things. I read I think it was a Jan. 20 article in The New York Times — they were talking about wiretapping.”

This is misleading. The Times article Mr. Trump referred to did use the word “wiretap” but it did not assert that Mr. Obama had ordered surveillance of Mr. Trump, nor did it even mention Mr. Obama. Rather, the story referred to intercepted information collected overseas.

Based on this standard every on-air utterance of Alex Jones – however obscene or paranoid – should be entered directly and unedited into the Congressional Record. The Visigoths aren’t merely sacking Rome as we speak; they’re wiping themselves with the collected speeches of Cicero after defecating in the smoking ruins of what used to be the Senate.

At my editor Katie Thompson’s suggestion, I wrote about a similar whopper recently. I’ve since wondered how they relate. Some think Obama’s organizations/ his still living in DC are evidence of a shadow government: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/right-wing-conspiracy-obama-soros-shadow-government

Asked about his unsubstantiated claim that President Obama ordered wiretapping at Trump Tower, President Donald Trump said he relied on media reports for the assertion.

Citing the “dishonest media” for his sources?

Couldn’t get any better.

Thanks for the link- I hadn’t seen that.

Looks like the Conservatives are spooked by any sort of organized opposition.

“When you start working against the interests of the United States
government, whether it’s in the person of Donald Trump or whomever, and
conspiring and organizing to frustrate the policies that he intends to
execute, I think that that really takes us to a whole ‘nother level.”

Gee, they weren’t saying anything like that when Obama was Chief Executive were they?

Everyone knows that drumpf has “his guy” wiring up a microwave oven right now to prove he was “tapped”.

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