Fella has a serious mental disorder.
Schizophrenia. No joke
It’s just possible (I am speculating here) that his mental health record prevented him from acquiring a firearm, and if that is in fact the case, then several people are alive right now because of that terrible infringement on his second amendment rights.
Well, here in Georgia and many other states he could have purchased any type of firearm at a gun show (or any private party) without background checks. Not only that but
In addition, Georgia law explicitly prohibits any county or municipal corporation, by zoning or by ordinance, resolution, or other enactment, from regulating gun shows in any manner.1
I just feel like that today our Democracy is dead.
Joe is negotiating with the terrorists holding the worlds economy hostage, the GOP are beating and killing people with impunity. YEah, law enforcement killed one or two, but they don’t care, they’re footsoldiers in a war and casualties are expected.
Meanwhile, the Democrats are powerless to even remove that fucking asshole ruining the Postal Service.
Trump remains breathing free air, sure, he has been ordered to pay $5M for having sex with a professional, but hey, he got laid, ya know.
But hey, Wills and Garland and Smith are thinking about indictments and stuff, but no guarantee that they actually do anything. Yeah, they keep arresting people, but they’re people of no consequence. They’re thugs and bullies and psychopaths and just plain fucking stupid idiots, but the powers that be are untouched and richer than ever.
Very depressing day today, reading about the hostage cave in. There’s no good way to spin it, sorry. Next time it will be more stuff the Democrats give up, because the Democrats are weak and ineffective. A bunch of Neville Chamberlains hoping the other side will be reasonable.
They aren’t reasonable. They’re greedy, mean, thoughtless, selfish assholes. They deserve no consideration, yet get every consideration.
Yes, for whatever reasons the Senate can’t get more done. The House can’t get anything done for the Country, just for the Sociopath wing of the Republican Party.
They are so many truly sick, lost, ugly people in this country, maybe we deserve to go down in flames.
I’m sorry I read through this, you’re a nihilist without a shred of hope for the future or any kind of relief looming on the horizon. I personally don’t want to read about Democrats being weak and ineffective, so take your gripe elsewhere but not to me again.
Choke up on the bat.
Sorry to offend. Forget it
Everything is fucking great.
A nihilist, that’s a first for me.
My daughter was on her second day of a new job. She was supposed to go on a route visiting psychiatric patients at home with another counsellor before she got her own route with patients. The guy training her came in, was upset that his wife was leaving him and shot himself. They called an ambulance. The supervisor locked herself in her office crying and wouldn’t come out. It was mayhem. Finally, she took the list of patients and did the rounds and when finished called the other job she’d been offered to see if it was still available. It was.
These are stories that a mother should only hear after the incident is entirely over.
I blocked her permanently a few days ago, she has a tendency to go off on people for stupid reasons.
I think she’s not having a good day. All this crap happening is truly disturbing.
Looking back, I think I coulda made it shorter.
I think every damn thing you posted every day and unless you’re in la la land we all do.
I think, like me, sometimes you just need a hug. It can feel so overwhelming.
It’s getting hard, isn’t it? And I bet you’ve never seen me argue with anyone.
Arguing with people is the last thing I want to do, life’s too short.
…I’m sorry? Are you saying that E. Jean Carroll is a prostitute? And that raping a prostitute isn’t a crime?
I’m hoping I have really misread this…
I’d like to think this is mistakenly conflating Stormy’s case and the Carroll case…
According to the EdBlog, the assailant was clinically schizophrenic and off his meds.
But it raises, rather than allays the question: why did he just happen to attack Democratic operatives?
As anyone who saw the cast of characters involve in the January 6th attacks will understand, the whole Republican ideological Gestalt seems to attract the mentally unstable and stochastically incite them to commit violence.
Local reports (I live in Fairfax County) describe a troubled person hearing voices, someone who approached a person in a parked car to ask if they were white (which should have been apparent obviously). Like all residents, I’m glad he didn’t have a gun. Regardless, a terrifying episode and despite the assailant’s apparent troubled mind, he was able to locate Congressman Connolly’s office, attack two workers and smash up computers and furniture.
Governor Greg Abbott has directed his legal staff to draft a preemptive pardon along with a rationale to exercise jurisdiction in Virginia.