Behold, a Louisville slugger, even on full auto, is less deadly than just about any firearm.
The real sick “evil-doers” are the ones weaponizing unstable individuals … and that is truly twisted. There is little as despicable as manipulating individuals who struggle with their grasp on reality - and manipulate them in order to send them off to do harm to others in bizarre and crudly violent ways.
Any brightsiding to be had here that it wasn’t a fire arm…?
Yep … sometimes no matter how little prior training you have gotten, you have to step in, summon up steady nerves & defuse the bomb … and the time to share the story is after you finished, got cleaned up & put all your tools away.
Suspect all of us have a few high tension stories for which we have not yet “put all of our tools away” and maybe that’s how those stories stay.
Things aren’t great for me though I know you say it sarcastically. To maintain emotional stability I don’t let myself get bogged in news and events I have no control over. You’re fucking with the wrong woman.
In that region of virginia, you’d have to travel quite a ways to find a republican critter.
i heard on tv, this morning, that Congress people are demanding more security for them selves…WTH, school children are supposed to able to outrun a shooter armed with that AR ?..yet these adults are whining about the lack of protection for themselves…heres a clue . boys and girls, you get what you voted for.
i am not inclined to be ‘fair’ to these attackers…you go after someone, who has done no harm, you should be stood up by the wall and dealt with…
apparently, he wasn’t too upset…he found what he was looking for and knew who he wanted to hurt…this 'mental illness;.excuse has to stop…these people manage to do exactly what they intended to do… it takes planning and know-how to carry out these attacks and killings.
you never know what any person is dealing with, in their lives, i’m inclined to shrug her off…even tho’ she has blocked me…
BIDEN and the DEMS have to deal with the people who are there…they were elected by the people in their STATES, there is nothing he can do about that, right now.
Jeebus, I’m not being sarcastic, and I’m certainly not trying to fuck with you.
Seriously, I generally read and appreciate your thoughts, but not this one so much.
Can I ask you to erase previous comments I made? They’re not me, some evil spirit took over briefly, I’ve banished her to one of the circles of hell.
I wonder how many shut ups it would have got if only we had a button for them.
Happy to oblige. We all have our spirits to contend with!
I love posting here, and I don’t want to alienate my cyberspace friends whom I count on for laughs, empathy and unfortunately disdain of TFG. It’s a safe place to vent.
Comments? What comments?
Regrets, I’ve had a few. . .
As do we all, things can and do get better!
I feel more hopeful today. I avoided all teevee news and Padre baseball for 2 days.