Two staff members at Rep. Gerry Connolly’s (D-VA) district office in Fairfax were attacked by a person armed with a baseball bat on Monday, according to a statement released by the congressman.
Keeping the post on topic because not everything is meant to be a joke esp. when people landed in a hospital and Pelosi’s husband was attacked by a similarly crazed right winger and right wingers want to know when it’s time to start killing Democrats.
At a conservative rally in western Idaho last month, a young man stepped up to a microphone to ask when he could start killing Democrats.
“When do we get to use the guns?” he said as the audience applauded. “How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people?” The local state representative, a Republican, later called it a “fair” question.
Giuliani allegedly drank alcohol and “took Viagra constantly,” the document states.
The lawsuit claims that some of Giuliani’s demands for sex were captured on recordings. Other allegations involved Giuliani conspiring with Trump to sell pardons for $2 million each.
Dunphy is seeking at least $10 million in damages.
This is why the US needs a federal domestic terrorism law.
This asshole will be charged with aggravated assault and other “state” charges.
The feds could get their own charges filed if there was a federal terrorism law, and if it could proven the assailant was there for terrorism purposes.
To be fair to the alleged attacker, I’m sure he had grievances that he felt strongly about, and society shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss those valid concerns.
I’ve heard lefties arguing about whether there is ever an appropriate time to cold-cock a Nazi. Meantime RWNJs ask with apparent eager anticipation when they can shoot dems.
BTW - I say that at some point it IS appropriate to cold-cock a Nazi. Not sure exactly when that is but if you wait until they are loading you into cattle cars you have waited TOO LONG!