DC Police: 20k Nat Guard To Deploy Amid ‘Major Security Threat’ | Talking Points Memo

I can see at least one weakness in that argument.


It worked for Rock Ridge…



I look at this scene and weep.

Not because this madman and his cult have permanently damaged our Republic, but because they have permanently scarred it.

The wounds will heal, but the pain, the trauma, the memory will remain.

Like the Civil War, JFK’s public murder, and 9/11, the infamy of these terrorists will be taught to future school children down through the centuries – as a cautionary tale of what happens when “good people” enable Evil by remaining silent cowards.

This inexpressible shame is solely on the GOP: its leaders, its office holders, and its voters.


The FBI and DOJ would do something about this, except, you know, due process, Bill of Rights, blah, blah, etc, etc…

I get what you’re trying to say, that we already have seen what happens. But this story isn’t over, not yet.

Thank you

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All State Capitols must give the order to shoot to kill if any of these asshole enter any Government buildings.
Trumptards will know how to handle someone is armed and will shoot back.

That, the wall around the place now, the wall around the WH now…

One of the hallmarks of our nation has been that our symbols of power have been so accessible. Remember walking just a couple months ago by the Capitol after RBG’s passing. Can’t get anywhere near that now.

Really a sad state of affairs, that we’ve got a literal army in place now to keep us safe from rogue cops.


This whole thing is sick. The thought that there are so many stupid, ignorant fools in this country that would attack our country and bet against us boggles the mind.

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Whoever is president at the moment is overall Commander in Chief of all US military everywhere. Military on active duty within the District are under a more direct command of the president.

The security threat posed by Trump still being in command of these 20k troops is the reason he needs to be removed from office immediately.

We can hope that Trump won’t dare issue them illegal orders out of fear of the immediate consequences if they treat his orders to arrest Biden as illegal and arrest him instead. We can hope that these soldiers will be willing to do the right thing even at the risk of mutiny charges if they disobey presidential orders. We can hope that none of the NG units sent to the capitol have already been suborned by the Oath Keepers. But, famously, hope is not a plan.

The only viable plan here to disarm this security threat is to remove Trump from office, now. Failing that, if R votes in the Senate block that, a purely partisan acquittal would predictably exert some influence on soldiers who might have to decide which side to risk treason charges for. Failure to even impeach would mean that D legislators are unwilling to share any of the risk that we rely on soldiers over the next week to take if it comes to a choice of which side to risk treason charges for.

I have a counterargument for that, which is the traditional location is safer precisely because they’ve done this there all those many times. The good guys have thought about every rooftop, every vantage point, they’ve got it all sussed out. Some amateur isn’t likely to outthink all that experience and expertise.

Besides, Biden seems determined to put on a show of normality. I respect that. If the professionals say they can do it safely I’m not going to worry.


all that pesky evidence from the 6th? obviously antifa agitators…

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To our dear friends in the White House,

The yanks are coming.


they will break and run. watching Rambo fifty times isn’t the same thing as seeing your buddy get his head blown off.


There’s video at the link.

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Or sliding on their body parts as the ones remaining try to advance.


its pretty much impossible to find every rotten apple in the barrel.

The Illinois governor is taking it very seriously but I’m skeptical there will be any sizable crowd outside the Capitol. They’ll have state police at any government building downtown and the national guard are on standby. Anybody that tries to open carry will be promptly arrested. I’m within walking distance so I’ll be sure to take my dog for a walk to see who shows up

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What you say, with this reservation – they better have Harris tucked away in a secure location during all this.

Okay, two reservations.

Just because law enforcement has done this often and gamed everything out for this location, does not, even a little bit, mean that only “the good guys” have this expertise. Every police, military, and security outfit in this country has been infiltrated by Oath Keepers. The chief risk to Biden is, and will still on Inauguration Day, be from bad guys in the ranks of the Secret Service and other law enforcement and the military. All of these agencies will need to be thoroughly purged by actual good guys after a new administration has taken power.