DC Police: 20k Nat Guard To Deploy Amid ‘Major Security Threat’ | Talking Points Memo

OT, but Gym Jordan has emerged from the showers and is whinging on about an impeachment witch hunt.



The whinging fringe. He’s at one end of the continuum, that’s for sure.

I’ll spare myself the pleasure of watching but he started out talking about “cancel culture” and how the libs want to cancel Trump blah blah which is interesting because when these people have no argument, which is about 95 percent of the time, they identify the thing they don’t like with whatever the wingnut bugaboo du jour might be. Jordan will never grapple with the problem of what Trump actually did. He’s not a serious enough person really to be a normal adult, much less a good representative. If “cancel culture” were powerful enough to take down a president just because, it would have taken him down long before over his gross negligence when he could have acted to protect the wrestlers he had responsibility for. So just STFU over cancel culture, you kazoo-voiced rabid weasel moron.


Yes, and government buildings generally. The serious domestic terrorists are unlikely to try for DC during the inauguration; they’ll hit elsewhere. Later it will be DC’s turn (again).

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At this very moment on CNN Gym Jordan (BR-Ohio), shining star of the Guardians Of Pedophiles, is touting our upcoming “peaceful transfer of power.”

Yeah, that’s what it seems like, what it looks like to me.

Note “BR” = Banana Republican.


I have my money on this turning out to be a non-event and Republicans then pivoting to making bad faith arguments that this was nothing more than a liberal freak out.


Much soap was dropped.

Yes, well, New York City is taking him down


They eat their own.


In related news, Trump cultists in Congress will support sedition and political violence. They have zero patriotism and hold voters in contempt and ignore the Constitution.


MSNBC had a short shot of Speaker Pelosi speaking outside the Capitol building to the Guards. You can bet she was thanking them.


Yeah, a witch hunt which saw the Capitol filled with witches. Freakin’ Gym.


Yes. The cost of deploying 18,000 of the NG troops should be taken out of the salaries of Gosar, Biggs, Hawley, Cruz, Trump and a few others.


Which state capitals?

In many cases these state capitals are already being run by White supremacists like Alabama for example and several states with congressman and senators who most need to be expelled from government.

That is there are several states that have governors, U.S. and State senate and representatives who either did and in many cases still support the insurrectionists. I mean if Josh Hawley’s Missouri or Ted Cruz’s Texas have their state capitals invaded by White supremacists, well many of these states are already being run by White supremacists or at least those willing to advance the cause of racism for personal and political gain.

So, use taxpayer money to cover it.

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So, Joe Biden has gone on record via video expressing he will receive the oath of office outdoors and in the open. Nothing would be finer.

Would very much like he do so-- but at a different locale than the one being publicized.
How satisfying would it be to trap expected seditionists at a dummy event?

We tricked Hitler and his generals into believing the D-Day landing would occur at France’s Pas de Calais region, 150 miles northeast of Normandy and the closest point to Great Britain across the English Channel.

Seems we have a knack for tricking stupid Nazis. Certain to be a success. As we know the current ones have learned absolutely zero lessons from history.


Nope. If our President can’t be safe while in the heart of our Capital and surrounded by 20,000 troops, we’re really fucked.


Yeah, we should have a rubber balloon replica of Biden at the Capitol, with the real Biden taking the oath at Omaha Beach!!


I was going to make a comment about why would we need to protect the White House, but Biden would probably not like the house and grounds trashed before he takes office.


Hey. Get on the bus Gus.
I laugh at your stuff. :smirk:

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I never joke.