DC Police: 20k Nat Guard To Deploy Amid ‘Major Security Threat’ | Talking Points Memo

Finding extremist skinhead racists in the U.S. military would be like shooting fish in a barrel.

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Yes, we keep finding evidence that hope has failed to be an adequate plan in this particular regard.

Because they chose to. Mass psychosis isn’t real - it’s an excuse.


While I was changing dressings on Vietnam causalities I was told many times about their first fire fight.
They were trained and they admitted the fear they felt and some wet themselves.
I cannot think anyone following cowardly Trump will stand their ground.


Maybe, but I’d bet some of them are clinically insane. Certainly the state of mind of many Trump loyalists renders predicting their behavior a dodgy enterprise.


I’ve thought about that. So have they. As I understand it they’ve already set it up so Biden has SS who’ve worked with him, and the ones who worked with Trump will have other assignments, in case their loyalties are at all divided. A turncoat you don’t know about is always going to be possible, but that person has to be willing to die. A person who is becomes hard to stop. Look, I don’t know what mix of incompetence and malevolence led to the Capitol being vulnerable, but that’s not going to happen with this inauguration. The pendulum will be pegged way over on the other end.


I remember a phase during the early days of Trump’s tenure where you could open your laptop about any week of the month and be treated to a story about a Secret Service agent(s) being investigated for some event involving liquor, prostitutes, fights, lost weapons, misplaced credentials, pilfered laptops and assorted other stupid shit you’d expect from a high school wrestling team.


Let’s hope this deployment doesn’t function like a Maginot Line.

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Let’s hope that indeed. I think it’s actually very reasonable to hope as well that Trump’s peeps won’t function like the Wehrmacht.


Unless the Oath Keepers have howitzers I don’t see any chance of success for them.


Oswald didn’t possess a howitzer.

Actually Trump had a very, very large compliant microphone for his lie. I am looking at you Fox News.

Without the right wing media constantly repeating the lie as truth, Trump would have been a lone voice in the wilderness. Fox and Friends, Laura Ingraham, Lou Dobbs, Sean Hannity and the rest are complicit in this mess. Somebody needs to call them out.


No one should forget the “mainstream” media are also complicit. In the years leading up to the 2016 campaign Trump pretty much had his own time slot on Morning Joe (MSNBC) with Joe and Mika yucking it up and trading banal pleasantries, letting Trump bullshit slide by, for 15-20 minutes at a time.


And Kennedy didn’t have a Maginot Line ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Hey, it could be worse. It’s not as if somewhere, some evangelical Christian baker is being asked to make a wedding cake for a gay couple.

One person did warn us, but her voice was so shrill! And she wore pantsuits!


They don’t really need to have the folks immediately around Biden do the deed. Those folks could be 100% loyal, and there could still be a breach somewhere else in the complicated arrangements, which involve a whole lot of people way beyond just the agents in the immediate detail. Doing the deed by having someone take a shot from far away has the huge advantage of not requiring it to be a suicide mission, and, if the perpetrators aren’t caught, not leading from the trigger pullers up the chain of command to folks giving the orders. A dead inside job assassin on site would have all his contacts scrutinized very thoroughly.


Look, I’m not saying it’s impossible. I’m sorry to evidently not have said clearly that given Biden’s insistence that it be done outside like they have always done, there are reasons to reassure oneself that they’ve done it that way for many decades and haven’t lost any presidents yet. I’m pretty sure that isn’t sheer good luck. If there’s any fundamental flaw in there let fly.


That’s the second most popular winger talking point, the President and “conservatives” being “canceled” and silenced" by the evil radical left. Funny thing is, they just go right on bloviating, you almost wish somebody WOULD silence them. Of course, talking point #1 has Biden as a puppet of the Chinese Communists…

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They probably have a good plan against lone gunmen and outside groups. But that is little evidence that they have a plan that will work if the opponent is the Oath Keepers and the other major political party. The Oath Keepers are insiders, as are the Rs. You can’t keep Rs off the committee that plans inauguration ceremonies.

That said, the decision to go ahead outdoors may have been taken with the thought that the big risk is from treason within the ranks of the military, Congress, and law enforcement, rather than outside groups or lone gunmen, so there is no difference in risk between indoors and outdoors.