Cuomo Reminds McConnell That KY Takes More Money Than NY: ‘Who’s Getting Bailed Out Here?’

Thank you for providing this link. As a casual observation, quite a few southern and bible belt states in the most dependent 25 list, and not so many blue. Correct me if I’m wrong here, but it may not be that the dependent 25 are always the neediest, but that sometimes it is political acumen (quackery, power mongering, etc.) that get states like Kentucky more money.


I hypothesize a relationship between states feeding at the federal trough and the elderliness and time in office of its senators.


I think Europe learned a lesson in the 40s about failing to so thoroughly vanquish a despicable enemy they effectively disappear from civilization. Now we mark that failure with Holocaust Remembrance Day.


Except those things are free floating so they aren’t defending a piece of land they call home so there isn’t going to be a civil war.

What you are describing is what they do right now - protest and set off little militia actions like in Oregon that fizzle out because: 1. they are not organized into a single anything and 2. there aren’t very many who are willing to get violent. Those that are are a small minority.

The south went to war for its land and their right to use it as they saw fit - that is, with a slave economy.


Actually the attempt to wipe that grin of Germany’s face was one of the seeds of WW II.

“You talk about revenge. Does revenge get your son back? Does revenge get my son back.” Even Don Corleone knew better.


What do you think is going to happen on Nov. 4 after Biden wins? absofucking nothing, he won’t be president for 78 more days. That’s 78 days for trump and the republican Senate to make sure the country is FUBAR, and the red states are protected and the blue states fucked. That’s 78 days for a president and Senate that now have nothing to lose.


It was a cheap, petty shot from McConnell and kudos to Cuomo for calling him out on it.


I’m sick of guys named Bubba and Billy-Bob coming up to our big cities with their moonshine and chewing tobacco in their Chevy pick-ups, and getting our innocent girls pregnant.


I dunno, you should get a load of my cranky, elderly neighbors when we dog walkers come by with our “replete” pooches. Oh, it’s window thumpin’ war time.


There’s not enough reporting on what Democrats do at any time, and maybe the management is listening to the complaints coming from us.


Very cheap and very petty and I bet even McConnell knows that and just doesn’t care.

Cuomo really got him good. But Putin’s Bitch walked right into it.


The simple solution to this is a law that prevents a state from receiving more funds than what it sends up in federal taxes. In a short period of time Red states would become wastelands and Blues states would be calling all the shots.

As long as crooked politicians like McConnell continue to prop up failing Red States by robbing federal coffers they’ll maintain influence.


How the smash and grab works:


When it comes to this TPMer, Ignore and Mute is your friend.


Good question though, who did you support for Speaker?

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I wasn’t suggesting the wiping away of a grin. And that proves my point. What the allies inflicted upon Germany post WWI was wholly insufficient to dissuade them from waging another world war that took the lives of another tens of millions. The country should have been carved up into two dozen fiefdoms and the first time it was discovered any of them so much as whittled a slingshot into existence some more hell was rained on their asses.

Anyone who lives in California, Massachusetts, and New Jersey that shell out more cash to the federal government than most GOP strongholds in the country knows this for a fact


This is a most inane and ignorant comment. Read up on the history of the treaty of Versailles.

You’re a fool.


And now some parts of the South celebrate by dry humping Confederate statues, watching old Dukes of hazzard reruns with a car with the loser flag on the roof and having a holiday for defeated General Robert E. Lee.


That’s quite unfair.

To her.

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