If it weren’t for the rich cities in KY, rural KY would be an even bigger shithole than it already is, but they hate us too.
Sort of like when your boss hits on your wife at a party, and you keep quiet, because, you know, your job.
Much tougher than the last time around. Can’t just Mason-Dixon it, as a lot of the States, whether Blue or Red, are fairly evenly split, with just a few percentage points holding them that way.
Sure, maybe the Northeast and the West Coast could split off without too much upheaval, but most of the rest wouldn’t be so easy.
Fake News! Everyone knows that Real Americans are Rugged Individualists who pay all the taxes and don’t get any help from anyone, while Liberals are Elitist Parasites living on the Democratic Welfare Plantation as they mock the Real Americans from their Lear Jets and limousines.
Seriously though, can we dispense with the myth that America is divided by state boundaries? The political divide in America is City Folks, Country Folks, and Suburb Folks. And at this point, the Democrats have the cities and suburbs in every state, while Republicans cling to rural voters thanks to election fraud, apathetic city folk, and funding from rightwing billionaires that controls every major news outlet in the country.
“We’re not interested in solving problems” would be the edited-for-clarity comment from Moscow Mitch.
Sherman should have had his orders extended by a couple years, followed by the laying down of two feet of salt over the entirety of the conquered territory.
Mitch does not give a single f*ck. He sees an opportunity to destroy public sector unions throughout the USA and he’s taking it. There will be no money coming to the states. Once the states declare bankruptcy they can get out from under public pensions that unions negotiated.
I wish Thad Stevens’ ideas about reconstruction could have gotten a fair hearing in Congress and some consideration - he wanted to give the land to the freed slaves and divide the rebels up and send them to different parts of the country so they couldn’t sit around together and do what they’ve done - nurse their grudge.
Sowing the land with salt wouldn’t have helped anything.
After Biden’s victory, and the Dem’s capture of the Senate, how long is it going to take for Civil War II to break out?
You must be one of those “libruls from Louisville”…
First you have to describe to me just how that is going to work when you don’t have a clear disagreement between a block of states and the federal government. Go ahead - what will people be fighting for if their states aren’t all one way or another?
We LOVE those Cuomo’s! Keep up the fight!
“Look at the language of Mitch McConnell: ‘I’m not bailing out blue states, they should go bankrupt.’ Really? Really? How insecure is he in his own race in Kentucky to have to resort to that pathetic language?”
please stop
Good lord, but Governor Cuomo has a lot of super powers!!
I’m sick and tired of these lazy, shiftless, uppity, red-state “rural types” living off the dole.
Why should hardworking taxpayers subsidize their inter-generational cycle of White dependency?
Maybe they should buy some job training instead of all those Country-Western boom boxes.
And pull themselves up by their own cowboy boot straps!
Completely off topic but has anyone seen Trump’s bff lately.
Things I imagine about: Rodman as Trump’s guest at a Covid-19 briefing and the both of them riffing together on tangential subjects.
Pelosi, for her part, was serene in dismissing McConnell’s current stand as a bluff. Trump, for example, has already endorsed state and local aid. “McConnell will do whatever the president wants,” she said, “and the president needs this.” But just to be sure this time, she’s going to have Democrats pass their own bill.
please stop
What is your beef with Nancy Pelosi? There is nothing she does that you do not criticize. Is there some other person who ran for majority leader who you actually support? I am really curious.
Yes, a heathen from the Great Satan.
God, guns, abortions, jesus, liberty, freedom, tyranny, taxes, coal, socialism…there are plenty of things that the New Confederates can use to stir the blood of the sons of the south.