New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) reminded Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Thursday that for all his trash talk about “blue state bailouts,” the GOP leader’s state is the one that reaps the benefits of New York’s payments to Uncle Sam.
You go Cuomo! Cuomo’s actions this spring illustrate that saying, the cream rises to the top. He’s been such a strong and focused leader. Unlike some people…
Good. Remind the rural people of KY, that if it was not for the infrastructure investment made possible by the rich cities on the coasts, they would not be any better off than farmers in Poland or Ukraine.
While it will have no effect on McConnell, who, I believe, suffers from some serious psychological issues of his own, I’m so glad Governor Cuomo articulated this for the benefit of red state denizens who are probably ignorant of this fact.
Maybe she can, but she as a majority to protect in November, she doesn’t want to offend anyone unnecessarily, and yes those moochers in KY are very sensitive.
Be-a-u-ti-ful, but he really did have a whole lot more to say about McConnell that’s worth posting too, TPM. The way Mitch has politicized this entire crisis at this time. Cuomo’s takedown of Mitch was a tour de force from start to finish. The rest of his briefing…eh, it was alright.
Cuomo is speaking an obvious truth, but it is one of many that the national media cannot acknowledge. It is very frustrating that they prioritize branding over truth. No serious person can point out that red states are generally net takers and blue states net contributors; that Republicans favor deficit financed tax cuts over public debt reduction; that their support of the troops extends only to large contractors and not to, you know, the actual troops…
If you want to be taken seriously in a national conversation, you must reinforce the brands of politicians and ignore their actions. Only a child or a fool can point out that the emperor has no clothes.
"'Now, gentlemen, I will tell you, what it is; I have thousands of applications like this every day, but we cannot satisfy all for this reason, that these positions are like office seekers–there are too many pigsfor the teats.'
“The ladies who were listening to the conversation placed their handkerchiefs to their faces and turned away. But the joke of ‘Old Abe’ put us all in a good humor. We then left the presence of the greatest and most just man who ever lived to fill the Presidential chair.’”
(from Lincoln’s Yarns and Stories , by Colonel Alexander K. McClure)
Of course he is. But Cuomo’s been getting a lot of exposure and airtime recently, so having him speak up about it will get a lot more earballs than if someone else says it, and it really needed to be explicitly said, especially after the “blue state bailouts” line.
This is so welcome here to show a little push back from Pelosi and Cuomo. Otherwise, it’s tRump, his enablers and Covid all the time and I’m sick of reading the nonsense. Give us hope!!!