Doesn’t have to be true.
Just has to be something people want to be true.
The internet interneting.
You’re right, of course
Biden goes on the road to promote legislation. Trump goes on the road to golf. Looks the same to me.
Might as well be two 3-year-olds playing in a sandbox and babbling about trucks and other things of interest to 3-year-olds.
Smallpox should have been totally eradicated. It’s one of the only pathogens we’ve been able to do that with. Probably because it was so disfiguring, even if you managed to survive the illness. If there’s any left in existence It should be safely sequestered.
As a comparison the vote to censure Rangel for ethics violations was 333 to 79. In a sane world censuring a congress member for threatening to kill another member also ought to have overwhelming support.
Rittenhouse gave his victims a death sentence without the benefit of a trial. Don’t let it bother you.
I think we are very lucky in NJ that the media ignored us and that did not allow Jack C. to weaponize CRT (racism) as easily as Youngkin did in VA.
Moreover, if you’re a white Republican, is it really a crime? Is anything really a crime?
“Smallpox found in lab”
Aw c’mon. Just a little Native American cultural outreach. No big deal./s
You know, part of this whole so-called “conservatism” mess is the Dunning-Kruger effect at work on a societal-disaster level. That’s why all this concern with how they’re viewed by the supposed East Coast elites. “I can handle things,” they tell us, engraged. “I’m smart. Not like everybody says, like dumb. I’m smart and I want respect!”
The drapes of wrath
Aaaaaand—they’re off!
There are a number of businesses around here that only take cash if the customer has the exact amount. The banks won’t give them change anymore. So the customers have to use plastic to make purchases and give the credit card companies their 3% cut. The change machine at the grocery store does not charge a fee to convert your bag of coins to Bitcoin. And good luck if you want to write a check. I dunno what the hey it all means. First they came for my nickels, and I didn’t speak up???
The “QAnon shaman,” the most high-profile of the suspects from the Capitol riot, Jacob Chansley is to be sentenced today. Chansley has been jailed since the riot.
And that is precisely what will happen, sure as dog made little green apples.
Yesterday the networks were going full Dems in disarray and Biden’s approval rating lower than whale shit.
That makes me shutter!
No - I get that. And it’s hard to argue against our penal code without it sounding like I’m worried about any one particular person.
I guess it’s just that if we are bloodthirsty for Rittenhouse, then we cede the fact that our penal code is fair and just - even if just when we dislike the defendant. That weakens the argument against our draconian system later.
Even seemingly MARGINALLY SANE GOPers are, in fact, nuts.
Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) suggested that he could select Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo as his vice presidential running mate because she would “start disrupting things” in Washington, D.C.
It’s far from mandatory. So far as I can tell, the court could just let him walk free even if he is convicted on all counts.