Conservative Ohio Reps. Draft Impeachment Articles For DeWine

Looking longingly at West Virginia and thinking, “Almost…there…”


Got it. Except WVs keep migrating to a better run state.

Hehe…I love me some grape drank…

A little Sprite and Vodka too and voila…tastes like the purple freeze pops haha


I saw her on television and found her to be quite apt. There’s been this demonization of health administrators by the right wing since the beginning of the pandemic.

  1. As a famous humorist noted at the time, “Arriving at and sitting through the GHWB memorial mass at the Washington D.C. Cathedral without defecating in the pew.”

  2. Making it safe to say “Merry Christmas” again. You’re welcome, America.

  3. Having an Administration that was run like a finely tuned machine, after the huge mess President Obama left him.

  4. The Nixon-like Reopening of North Korea, for which he was most unfairly denied The Nobel Peace Prize.

  5. Hiring former Kimberly Guilefoyle consort, Anthony Scaramucci.

  6. Delivering the least funny, least clever, most mean spirited speech ever rendered at an Al Smith Dinner.

  7. The greatest Electoral College Win without winning the popular vote, ever.

  8. Making those Mexican suckers pay for Our Beautiful Wall.


Haha yes some of his humorous sallies were greeted with a chorus of appreciative boos.


Far right folks in CO tried to recall our new gov last year. Ostensibly it was over a red flag law, but there are some who believe that the signatures were collected in order to get the names and addresses of folks who could be targeted in fundraising campaigns. The recall went down in flames, but I’ll bet the signature collection was a success.


I thought it was about “hating” the oil industry–i.e., trying to regulate them to a reasonable level of safety. But it’s hard to keep track of these recall efforts!


Tomjchicago will have much grist for his mill in these next few days.

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Had to look it up to see if it was real and … geez Louise, not only is it real, they’ve got every flavor under the sun of both liqueurs and whiskeys!

I figure it’s gotta be good because they aren’t afraid to ask the immortal question WHAT SORT OF REPUTABLE ESTABLISHMENT ALLOWS A CASKET ON ITS BARTOP? prominently on its homepage.


I followed your link and thought I fell down a rabbit hole of bum wines.

“Menthol Mint”??? Sounds downright dangerous to consume.


I guess they’ve forgotten Reagan’s 11th Commandment. Heh. As far as modern Republicans go, DeWine is certainly not the worst. However, I sure do love me some overt displays of rightwing cannibalism.

Eat him up! Eat him up!

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Would be interesting to see if pics exist of Vitale with a mask on at Halloween, or more likely, an “Eyes Wide Shut” party.


Oh yeah. That nasty “prioritizing public safety” thingy.

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The Ohio House & Senate are on the ballot in November. Looking at Ballotpedia, Becker isn’t shown as a candidate for the 65th District, and Vitale is unopposed. With DeWine’s popularity at 75%, their stunt could definitely backfire.

You may remember Becker as the ‘require insurance companies to pay for transplanting the fetus from a tubal pregnancy into the womb” guy (no such procedure exists) and Vitale is the “don’t let masks cover up God’s creation” guy.

Yeah! They’re great. I especially like the grape, cherry and “raw vanilla” haha

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Nah…more like a Schnapps alternative for flavoring drinks. I suppose you could drink them straight up…I had a love for a tall glass of peach schnapps on the rocks in college lol…but it could be pretty cloying. They’re not like Mad Dog 20/20 or Thunderbird.

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I think Becker is retiring. Vitale is unopposed (and a whack job), Householder is unopposed, it’s soooooo freaking gerrymandered. My district has had the same turd for 20 years and we’re told we may have a chance to flip this year. (So we’re paddling as fast as we can on a shoestring in a pandemic. :roll_eyes: )

Our only hope is that some form of the voted redistricting reform gets implements (and the gop doesn’t find a way to get rid of the ballot initiative that requires the reform)

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"Dictator DeWine needs to be charged and tried for crimes against humanity, in my opinion.”
Rep. Nino Vitale ®

So it is only appropriate to ask Village Idiot Vitale - precisely which of the crimes he would cite…

“crime against humanity” means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:

(a) Murder
(b) Extermination
(c.) Enslavement
(d) Deportation or forcible transfer of population]
(e) Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law;
(f) Torture
(g) Rape or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity;
(h) Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural , religious, gender or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law,
(i) Enforced disappearance of persons;
(j) The crime of apartheid
(k) Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health;

... OH  ... universal Republican answer  ... It  was just a joke...
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“Crimes against humanity”

Oh, it’s not a joke, but it’s certainly hyperbole. We can be thankful that Msgr. Vitale did not describe De Wine’s public health measures as “worse than the Holocaust.”

Seriously, if we could replay the Covid-19 disaster in the U.S., I can with great effort imagine a serious and competent Republican president addressing the crisis and asking everybody, Republican and Democrat, Christian and atheist or what-have-you, to put aside differences and mask up and stay home for long enough to reduce transmission. It would make a great difference. It would marginalize the attempts of little tyrants in state government to sue their governor or recall their governor. It would guarantee a better outcome to the tune of hundreds of thousands of transmissions and thousands of deaths.

It should have happened. It just didn’t.