Conservative Ohio Reps. Draft Impeachment Articles For DeWine

Hey, what was it that Romney said - “Corporations are people x 2”, right?

The need to persecute anyone who has gone against the belief set of the GOP at this moment in time is stunning. I did not mean “prosecute” although this is what he is suggesting, but actually persecute the man because he valued human life over whatever businesses have gone under. So businesses actually are more valuable than the rest of humanity for this POS.


Any really good single malt whisky. Neat, sipped slowly.

It serves to reminds us that the good and the pure survive, that nuance and subtlety exist and can be savored and that in a few decades we’ll all still know the wonder of Balvenie and Dalwhinnie when Donald Trump will be recalled only as a negative comparison to the USA we’re going to build.

It may not actually do ALL that for you, but it’ll taste so good and the buzz will be gentle but uplifting.

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I just read a new poll today which had Biden ahead here in Ohio by a point.

The Republicans love death so much, they don’t even notice when that means their own political suicide.

The public is already enraged at how our health commissioner Acton was treated, and the huge scandal that just took down our Repugnacan House Speaker and forced the repeal of a major corrupt energy law. …And now this insanity!

I’ve decided Ohio is DEFINITELY no longer a swing state leaning red. If it is still a swing state, it is leaning blue, we just don’t have enough polling yet to indicate that.


The piranah, having run out of food turn on one another. Lets hope Vito is one of the first to lose his Gawdly visage.

Hey Guv…take a page from the Trump playbook…ask the party leaders to eschew a trial with witnesses…works like a charm…

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@kate_riga: Your lede is concise, punchy, and begins with exactly the right words: Some right wingers.

Why then, is that ignored in the hed, which calls these clowns conservatives. Who writes the heds? I truly doubt you’d have wanted this obfuscation of your usual clear-headed work.

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These people are doing the Dems a favor – trying to push out the few remaining moderates, even if they are doing a good job. Throw some gasoline on that Trumpster fire, enjoy it while you can.

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I hope you are right, Biden winning Ohio would be a great sign for the whole country and a big piece of a landslide win for the Dems.

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And yet PA’s own GOP knuckledraggers in the state house want to impeach Gov. Tom Wolf (D) for not “opening up the state” fast enough! Led of course by PA’s own version of Louie Gohmert, Rep. Daryl Metcalfe.

I really hope that, judging by the amount of Dems who voted in this year’s primary, that PA might flip at least one House of the General Assembly.

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Let’s hope so. :smiling_imp:

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ha ha–my first thought, from some good ol’ boys I used to work w/ decades ago in NW Jokelahoma, was “Doctor McGillicuddy’s”? They used to use that for anti-freeze when going drinking trout fishing in winter!

Damn, if that wasn’t correct!?! :rofl::rofl::rofl::mask:

Probably even turn your tongue purple?!

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I am an Ohio Dem, and I would vote for Dewine based on how well he handled, and continues to handle, this crisis. I am baffled and disgusted by this attempt to attack him, especially the bizarre rhetoric the Reps are using. They are doing their best to make it seem less of a policy disagreement and more apocalyptic. They come across, to me, as crazy.

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OT: There was no one that didn’t see this coming. The question is, what the hell took so long:

@Caepan, I’ll see you and raise you one.

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