Christie Won’t ‘Defer To Anyone’ Including Trump In Weighing 2024 Presidential Bid | Talking Points Memo

Chris Christie? Liz Cheney? 2024?

What the hell motivates the money behind the Faux Snooze propaganda machine? Seriously. Are the people behind that outlet so morally and ethically depraved that they will still back Satan’s Avatar after every evil thing he has done? Consider this…I actually see Christie and Cheney as an improvement over Trump, and Christie is a loud-mouthed opportunist and Cheney is simply wrong for the country. So why do the bozos at Faux Snooze carry water for such evil? What is their motivation? Why would anyone support such blatantly obvious evil?

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Reminds me of another room…


Curiously, a room also made for an oversized block of orange cheese.


I’d have to do an about face if I was invited to a party and this greeted me. Sheesh, bereft of taste.

And WTF are those things at the bottom, gilded morgue drawers?


Agreed. Hideous. The only thing worse would be pure Rococo.

ETA: I snorted at “gilded morgue drawers.” Maybe that’s where they keep all the deceased self-respect?


Prediction: Christie will decide he not the best option for either the party or the country at this time.

Whatever that time is as long as Trump is alive.

Christie’s stipulation that his terms for weighing a presidential bid had little to do with whether or not Trump is running

“weighing,” tee hee

Maybe they extend to meet in the middle of the foyer to keep riff raff out?


Fund raising until he makes a decision? Does he have a job, a real job?

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A deluxe whorehouse lobby.

different tact



Has he not yet figured out that he’s Governor Toast?
And Nikki Haley? Still waiting for ex-pres permission? Yeah, that’s the way to show leadership.

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Sure he does. Fundraising until he makes a decision.


Clearly, Trump’s interior decorator is a coke addict.

Christie defers to carbohydrates…

Thanks Ben, just spite up a mouth full of coleslaw all over my KB!

I stayed away long as I could. Keep the outrage and laughs coming.

I need my TPM!

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Trump doesn’t have charm, he has counter-charm. Trump doesn’t have taste, he has counter-taste.


Our friends across the pond have a saying that will sound familiar to most: “That will fly like a lead Zeppelin.”

I guess we can redo that: “That will fly like a Chris Christie.”

Speaking of Christie. He won’t win San Bernadino.

Christie Won’t ‘Defer To Anyone’ Including Trump In Weighing

This is what I saw with a quick look, and figured OF COURSE, there aren’t too many he would have to defer to in matters of weight

Don’t forget the video of Governor Grimace screaming like the fat bully he is in the face of a man who dared to call Christie a loser at a baseball game. Oh yeah, his fat face bellowing into an iPhone camera should help him lock up the unhinged vote.


“Weighing”? I… never mind, this is just too funny!