Christie Won’t ‘Defer To Anyone’ Including Trump In Weighing 2024 Presidential Bid | Talking Points Memo

It really isn’t clear why anyone cares what Christie thinks or says. Is there any reason why he is a relevant person?

Unless he is in prison, the probability (at least right now) is that Trump will run in order to grift as much as possible from the rubes, with the intention of grabbing the cash and dropping out at the last minute. Trump loves money and publicity, but hates working or taking responsibility. The only way he’d be president again is if there is a way to grift and stay out of prison — maybe declared “President for Life” by a republican Congress.


C’mon Tubby, you couldn’t even run for Gov of NJ much less President.

And I thought Pompeo was ridiculous.

Hate to be a pedant, hope this helps.


Left is a Coke fridge for Daddy, right is coke storage bins for Jr.

He’ll run (well, walk with assistance) but won’t drop out, he has to salve his ego by “winning” again. And also keep the grift going until the end.

“After 2022 is over, we’ll make a decision about whether we’re going to run or not,” Christie said on the podcast.

By “we’ll” does he mean him and someone else or does he mean the weight he is toting around with him the size of another hefty human being?

I’d guess Christie’s figuring his votes will never come from Trump’s most devoted, so what does he have to lose? He’s probably figuring he can play to sane Republicans in the suburbs.

But the definitive word on him is, I think, @birdford’s above.

Looks to me like macaroni noodles pasted to cardboard and then spray painted with a cheap gold paint.
Trump thinks this is “class”? Simply ghastly.

After all the humiliations Chris Christie suffered at the hands of Trump, nobody could possibly see him as “presidential” – if they ever did.

"And I’m also not going to be one of these people who’s going to say, well, I’ll wait to see what President Trump’s going to do.”

Oh, please make it stop…MAKE IT STOP!

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Christie left office like a bug, crawling out the door as the least popular GOP governor in the country. How does his chowderhead translate this as some sort of opportunity to run for higher office?

Republicans all have a screw loose.

"You know, I’m not going to defer to anyone if I decide that it’s what I want to do, and that I think I’m the best option for the party and for the country,” he added.

What party? What country?..the one that your colleagues are angling to destroy? Gale force winds coming out of his ample blow hole…

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You know, I never cared for professional wrestling, but Christie vs The Donald would be a wrestling match I think might be fun to watch.

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The word you were looking for, Zoe, is tack.

Ooops, I should have read further down into the thread before adding my own comment to that effect. Will go and delete it now.

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I’d say he’s more of a floater, who won’t go down no matter how many times you flush.

Is it medically possible to do it more than once?

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Haha I did notice that. Sometimes—by which I mean often in my case—it’s this weird unconscious thing that just happens. Swear to God.

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Be careful what you wish for. And I mean really, really really careful.

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I’ll see your “San Bernadino” and raise you a “San Ber’dino”:

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