You mean install him in some redneck bar?
Exactly. Even if Trump were somehow allowed some sort of security briefing (with crayons and coloring books, no doubt), in order to maintain a semblance of re-instituting norms, Kushner has no right to them at all.
If Trump tried to bring Kushner to his post-presidency briefings, I imagine the briefer would rightly inform them both that Kushner is not cleared for any briefings, and must leave the room.
OT but this is good
“Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Sen. Angus King (I-ME) — who sit on the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, respectively — on Sunday urged President-elect Joe Biden to prohibit outgoing President Trump from receiving intelligence briefings upon becoming a private citizen.”
Wouldn’t intel briefings be overheard by his cellmate?
I agree. It just gives Trump and the GOP another thing to whine about, another excuse to justify their own disrespect, rudeness, and insults to and about Democrats.
Even with such briefings as may occur, he won’t try that; but if he were to, yes it would fail.
I hope the fact that Schiff and King are calling for DT to be cut off does not imply that Biden is actually considering letting him continue to get them. Even setting aside all the bad things he could do with the information, the reason former presidents continue to get them is that they may be able to offer some meaningful viewpoint or advice about the intelligence.
I assume I don’t need to spell out the rest of that thought.
What residents?
That’s a good question really - why in the world do they need intelligence briefings when they can’t do anything about them anymore?
He wasn’t. But Jared was.
Spreading disinformation is really the only thing at which Trump excels.
No love for Eric?
Attaboy! No reason to question your acuity and fitness for covert ops service with our beloved SOROS GROUP International and its affiliated corporations, now is there? You think of ev . er . y . devious thang!!!
Before they decide to cut off Trumpy’s intelligence briefing, they ought to give Trumpy some fake intelligence and see if it is leaked to Russia. Then we could arrest Trumpy for treason.
I don’t think anyone else does, either.
That’s been proven. Disinformation fell by 73% on Twitter once they got him off.
No more than anyone is. Check with the mothership to confirm. Klaatu out.
The POS should not be getting intel right NOW! The saving factor just may be that everyone who has tried to brief their dolt on anything has complained that he does not pay attention to the briefings anyway.
Yep. And also: Eww.
And added link. I’m guessing not everyone saw that WaPo piece.