Biden Unmoved By Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Popularity

Maybe they don’t care for the words, but they know a catchy tune when they hear it.

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Here’s what the moron in the White House generates among Democrats. “Concern”, “confusion”, “exhaustion”, “anger”, “embarrassment” and “fear.” But thanks for your never ending bashing of Dems and support for the moron.


That’s a naive assessment. And you either didn’t read what I wrote, or are purposefully ignoring it.

He took a subject, and instead of using popular, direct policyish points to promote it, he went the lazy route and pointed out divides in the party while throwing shade at a popular Representative on the left of our party. That’s a bad strategy, especially when a gazillion better strategies are easily deployed.


Yes the Dems will vote against Trump, not for the Democrat. Especially those not of our generation.

He also needs to listen to the briefings before the next debate so he’s up to speed and doesn’t have to cede time because he’s grasping for the next thought.


Biden is not wrong. AOC didn’t flip a seat. The majority of flipped seats (30) were won by freshman who joined the New Democratic Caucus, I understand that some of these 30 also joined the Progressive Caucus. AOC herself worked to defeat Sharice Davids in the primary for Kansas-3 a 5+ R district. Fortunately, Davids prevailed in the primary and flipped the seat.


Joe please don’t start this crap again!


Their motivation almost doesn’t matter. Voting to remove the senile old fool is what we need to do.


What you said:

That is where you are wrong. The next generation, those we raised, have 30, 40 years left, their motivation certainly count. We ought to listen.


Extending the Bush Tax Cuts
Increasing Military Spending
The Surge in Afghanistan
Authorization for the Use of Military Force
The illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq
Not impeaching lawbreaking Republican’t Presidents
The USA Patriot Act
Rolling back banking regulations
The largest military budget in recorded human history
Bailing out Wall Street
Telling Main Street to go fuck itself

The list goes on. That said, “bipartisan” is nothing but a fancy word meaning that the elites in both parties come together and screw the rest of us at the behest of their billionaire and corporate masters…


I said “almost” doesn’t matter. We will have a competent, talented candidate who’ll be the face for for the future of the party, and her or his youthfulness, not older than 60, will be a factor. If you think I’m not listening, then you’re wrong.

When Biden says Ocasio-Cortez’ victory consisted of “winning a primary,.” I assume he means that in that district defeating the Republican in the general was a cinch, compared to beating Crowley in the
primary, That’s true, but it also minimizes her achievement in replacing a local party leader like Crowley (whose arrogant dismissal of her campaign suggested why it was time for him to go)…

Anyway, I look forward to seeing these Blue Dog Democrats who are “very progressive on social issues” working together with others in the party to, oh I don’t know, use negotiations on authorizing money for border enforcement to insist on more humane treatment of detainees. You know, smiley-face stuff like that. I just know they’d pounce on it.


The last time Mr. Crowley, 56, even had a primary challenger, in 2004, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez was not old enough to vote.

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“…while there were a few progressive Democrats, like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), with mass appeal who seem to have ushered in a new era of Democratic socialism.”

Huh? Hyperbole much!??

Who is measuring this alleged “Mass appeal”?? AOC is more accurately “Media Catnip” with an ability to get her every utterance megaphoned by the media, mostly shrieked and distorted by Fox News.

AOC, ONE very plucky candidate (not to mention a camera-friendly and appealing one) squeaking out a win in a super-low turnout primary in a D+29 district is hardly the harbinger of a new Democratic Socialist Era in America. Can we get back to reality?

Every candidate she has supported (except ONE, an off-year, county-level DA Primary candidate in Queens) has LOST!

As for “ushering in a new era of Democratic Socialism”, that is high-grade PR even AOC hasn’t trumpeted yet! It simply isn’t so and Joe Biden, whether he appeals to you or not, is far more accurate in his assessment.


Well I hope so. I raised my kids, now in their upper 30’s and lower 40’s all of them Harris, Warren supporters, none of them like Biden and the current Democrat leadership. I have full confidence in their opinions


I think you stay in your lane on policy (like ACA public option) but rhetorically you embrace the energy of someone like AOC and bring them into your tent and ID a few issues where you agree with them. Biden’s lane was that he had support in all the lanes while maintaining a center-left policy agenda.

I hate to inform Dems like Biden but the Baby Boomer Generation within less than 10 years will no longer be the largest generation of our time demographically, so his usual impetus to look backwards to secure the Democratic vote is outdated as far as America’s future is concerned. By 2028, when most boomers will all have reached 65, Millennials and the Generation X will outnumber my generation. Biden would do well to keep that front and center in his mind. He’s already sounding like an old fogey to me, living in a world that has come and gone, or at the very least is on its way out…

Millennials will have a greater impact on where we are headed as a country, and newsflash: they are no longer in their early teens just trying to figure all of this shit out. They know their parents’ generation fell short, and how in many ways didn’t get the job done when they were in power and had a chance to affect change on issues critical to America’s future.

DC may be made up of a lot of moderates and rightwing crazies, and the media may still be made up of old white men in ivory towers that skew the perceptions of the nation in their direction, but those days will be forced to change by this next generation, and people like AOC will become the norm, not the exception. Their outspokenness to speak truth to power is refreshing since the media under tRump’s insults has in some sense given up on such confrontations.

As much as people like Biden wish the world of politics stayed the same as its always been particularly when he served in the Senate, those days are slowly coming to an end. Comity has been dead for quite some time. That’s actually all for the better as it was phony bullshit like a good ole boys club chumming it up with one another anyway. Meanwhile, the rest of us still paid the price under their backwards concessions to one another, mostly in competition for a pot of donor cash on various sides of any given issue and not necessarily what was in the best interests of the American people. People no longer want politicians to get into office and watch them become bigger millionaires then they already were.

The post WW2 generation is dying off and no one wants a repeat of that now that we see what tRump has been able to do to destroy government as we know it. His consumerism and transactional politics has been pure folly all meant as a way to enrich himself. People want change. Biden represents the opposite and the status quo.

Millennials are generally considered on average between 24 to 38 years old now (had to look it up). They are ready and willing to vote for a more progressive agenda than Biden has so far provided the public. In fact, I know of no specific policies he’s provided so far, only that right-of-center and never-tRumpers by in large see him as their best bet to beat tRump. I see no evidence of that though. Millennials thankfully for the most part are not moderates as he seems to think most Democrats are, but millennials are the force behind the Democratic base now…and because of than he should be careful who he goes after and tries to minimize.

Even though Warren is close in age to Biden…her thinking, her policies and her approach to dealing with rivals so far is leaps ahead of old fogey thinking that Biden has chosen to adopt. So really, this isn’t entirely about his age, just his mindset.

Given all that I wrote…I will still vote for Biden if in fact he turns out to be the designated driver and candidate for our party coming out of the primaries. (So there…that’s my disclaimer).


More of that famous centrist “wishful thinking”.

Let me know when you get those swing Republicans in the suburbs…

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For elites like Joe who take their orders from Democratic billionaire donors, moderate means doing what you are told and working hard as hell to make sure those billionaire donors never find themselves having to pay taxes. For regular Democrats moderate means promoting unions, working for health care for all, free college education, reasonable welfare and solid retirement.

Democratic billionaire donors want exactly what Republican billionaire donors want. Socialized risk with all rewards going to them and them alone.