Biden Unmoved By Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Popularity

Don’t EVER count on AOC, or Bernie penning a book called “Where I Was Wrong”!

Same “going much too easy on Russia”, thing all three have in common. Get the drift here folks? It sells and sounds good until this fact shoots them in the foot!

It is fascinating to think of what Henry Wallace may (or may not) have accomplished had the 1944 Democratic National Convention gone the other way in nominating him over Truman for VP.

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You can’t bring people like AOC into your tent. Their whole thing is their tent is the only one that matters.


I like AOC. If we end up beating Trump, her willingness to expose the cruelty at these detention centers may be a reason why. A smart pol from the center-left would credit her for that and pivot to comprehensive immigration reform. That’s how you build a big tent.


You must not have been paying attention in 2018.

On the other hand, let me know when your free kawlidge and single payer have pried away the white working class from the tit of GOP identity politics.


MANY Reps and Senators “have been willing to expose the cruelty” but the MEDIA ONLY follows AOC around like a stray kitten making it seem as if she is the only one talking about it! If the messenger isn’t in front of the mic, there is no message.

This is “Media Manipulation 101”, I’m surprised so many even here are in its thrall.


Say it ain’t so, Joe!

Democratic socialism and centrism are not always mutually exclusive. They seem so different to Ami`s because republicans will call centrism liberal and leftwing regardless how reasonable it is … thus tweaking the Overton window bit more to the right.


I understand Biden isn’t going to the Essence convention,Big mistake Joe.


Bullshit talking point with zero evidence to back it up—aside from your own highly prejudiced opinion.


The Congressional Hispanic Caucus, led by Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas)

[Politicians Visit the Border Patrol Facilities]

Over the last weekend in June, Democratic 2020 hopefuls including Beto O’Rourke, Kirsten Gillibrand, Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, and Julián Castro visited camps along the border, with several other Democratic representatives appearing on Monday

Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif., said she was haunted by what she saw at the facilities

The real enemy of center-leftism is the far-leftists, who are utterly ignorant of history (look, for example, at the people posting in this thread acting as if their policies have ever won anywhere other than the bluest areas of the country), but act as if they know the Truth of it all. Their perpetual argument is, “stop beating us in elections with your stupid centrism so we can win elections with our smart democratic socialism (or whatever they’re calling it this time). We know how to win if only you’ll stop beating us!”


Here’s the thing, Joe. i’ve always been rather more centrist until this election. I do not think centrist is going to win anything.

I really don’t. I’m seeing what has happened all over Europe and the old guard is not popular. And that’s my strong feeling - people do want change. That’s how Putin has gotten his claws into everything.’

It’s time to be the America we were when we had progressive leadership. Not centrist.


We’re not fighting the election that’s going to happen in 10 years. We’re fighting an election NOW. And if we don’t win it, the election in 10 years might look a lot different than the one you’re rosily projecting.

This has been another obvious post that never should have needed to be made.

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I agree with most of that. Curious if you would consider Warren, Harris and Bernie to be far left?

Warren and Harris—no.


Harris is obviously a pragmatist. She’s beginning to disturb me with her willingness to say anything at the moment she thinks is expedient – and I usually have a LOT of tolerance for that sort of thing. Warren is on the far left of the center. She’s smart and pragmatic, although her policies are more to the left of the mainstream. She doesn’t pick stupid fights over terms like “democratic socialism,” instead, she lets her policy positions speak for themselves. Bernie is far-left because he acts like it. Too willing to take maximalist positions, and he engages in stupid, provocative fights over things that just burn up political capital. He’s what Warren would be if Warren had no real desire to win. To a large extent, these labels are window dressing, as practically there isn’t much difference between a center-leftist and a far-leftist in the Democratic Party – there are too many constraints placed on people by the political system. But the window dressing is important from the standpoint of elections, which in the end is the only thing that matters.


This sounds OT but it’s not. People ignore New Mexico cause they just do and that’s fine I like it. But - we’ve had two women governors here in a row. Two women.
In a Row.

Texas has had two in all of its history and one took over for her husband.

I’ve had it with the misogyny and I want a woman president end of story. Kamala Harris is the perfect first woman president and Joe Biden and the rest of the men running can all go fuck themselves.


Agree with the first part of your comment, especially Harris. But the part about the rest of the men running… Maybe better for them to fill some of the Cabinet and diplomatic posts? We need a government staffed by people who are motivated and know what they are doing for the sake of all of us, including New Mexico and Arizona.


In my personal definition, any candidate promoting the full version of M4A – a complete and immediate overturn of the existing system, eliminating all private insurance – is far left. That makes Bernie far left in my view.

Warren and Harris are “in favor” of M4A but with less drastic plans to get there, so I’d consider them left but not on the fringe. Harris walked back her hand-raise in the debate about eliminating all private insurance (she supposedly misunderstood the question), and Warren talks about it more as an end-goal. Bernie wants to blow up the system on day one in office.

I tend to be single-issue on this far left question because I think M4A is the single biggest landmine for Dems in the general election. We can win by promoting “healthcare” as an issue, but not by telling half the people on health insurance in this country (those with employer coverage) that it’s going to be immediately replaced by a government program. There are other landmines like reparations, but that won’t stick through the primary.

I don’t think Biden’s centrism and “comity” with R’s is the way to go either. I’d prefer someone like Harris or Warren who can be realistic in the general election about how an opt-in version of M4A is a good step towards something better, later on.


Thank you.

It’s not just because Harris is a woman either. I believe utterly that she is the right person for this time in our history.