Former Vice President Joe Biden made a case for sticking with moderate Democratic candidates during an interview on CNN that aired Friday.
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Former Vice President Joe Biden made a case for sticking with moderate Democratic candidates during an interview on CNN that aired Friday.
He’s right, of course.
Not only did AOC lose in the general, she is neither progressive on social issues nor strong on education and health care.
She’s doomed in the next primary and will never, ever make it to a general election.
Well I am unmoved by Biden’s popularity. The only thing I can see is that he simply has not been paying attention to the last 20 or so years in politics. Joe… PLEASE point out one instance of GOP bipartisanship in the last 20 years.
Jerry Falwell Jr. He’s bi, partisan, and has a ship.
Hey! That was going to be my line. I guess it was a slow pitch over the plate.
I don’t see Biden’s comments as negative to AOC, but simply pointing out that the House and Senate are won not in solidly blue districts but in swing districts. The Democrats who turned those districts in 2018 tended to have a different ideological profile than Ocasio-Cortez.
Who is advising Biden? They seemed so good out of the gate but look like garbage right now. The smart move for Biden would be to embrace AOC.
“By the way, I think Ocasio-Cortez is a brilliant, bright woman"
Sounds like he’s going to grab her shoulders and kiss her on top of the head.
And a European style Youth Hostel. And, apparently, a pool.
And a pickpocket. He knows that there is more than money in and near those pockets…
And the last time Joe Biden won a primary (on his own, not as the second fiddle on a ticket) was when?
Every time Biden opens his mouth about someone younger than him his “The younger generation now tells me how tough things are—give me a break,…No, no, I have no empathy for it, give me a break.” Quote from last year gets plastered all over social media and on sites populated by younger people. While I really don’t think this particular musing about Ocasio-Cortez is bad, he’s proving to be the sure fire way to alienate and turn off younger people to the party.
If anyone is going to blow it it will be Biden, Pelosi and Schumer.
Former Vice President Joe Biden made a case for sticking with moderate Democratic candidates during an interview on CNN that aired Friday.
I’m a Democratic leaning Independent voter, have been since the 60s. My take is that the moderate Democrat Lawmakers are one of the main reasons we are in the state we find ourselves today. So afraid of their shadows that they in truth are lite REPUGS in disguise. I’ll vote for the Democrat nominee if Biden is that nominee I’ll be puking shortly after. Biden is not in any way, shape, or form Presidential material.
That to me is along the lines of when he labeled Obama “Articulate”
Give it a rest Joe
your time has passed.
The millenials now exceed the boomers in numbers, and they are the future not old guys like you and me
No, the smart move for Biden is to stay in his lane and not run with the herd. He has a specific pool of voters his campaign appeals to, and they are people who either dislike the politics of AOC (I know, it’s crazy. I mean, who isn’t instantly captivated by everything she says, as though it came from the mouth of Solomon?), or, rightly, believe they are not popular with the majority of voters. And what would he get if he did “embrace” AOC? He’d be called a panderer.
Former Vice President Joe Biden made a case for sticking with moderate Democratic candidates during an interview on CNN that aired Friday.
And how’s that warmed over Centrism been selling lately?
During the debates and indeed in recent years, it has been hard to identify one new “centrist” idea, one new proposal from the center that better deals with economic insecurity, climate, growth, equity, education, health, or inclusion. You won’t find them in part because the ideas of the center are so based on compromise, and for most of the past decade it has been clear, there is no longer a functioning, constructive right of center group with which to compromise.
That is in part the fault of the corruption of the GOP and its near exclusive service to the one percent and corporate interests. It is also due, however, to the fact that so many products of Clinton and Obama-era centrism primarily served those elites as well—from the Clinton era repeal of Glass-Steagall to the failure of Obama to really push hard to implement meaningful financial reforms after the crash. The innovation of “Third Way” or New Democrats—a group of which I was part—was, well-intentioned as it may have been on some level, also seeking a way to buy into the popularity of Reagan-era policies (damaging as they were).
You want a 2nd term of Trump? Keep pushing for Joe Biden.
A lot better than warmed-over “democratic socialism.”
Not to mention “clean.”
I’m looking forward to his flame-out.