Biden Unmoved By Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Popularity

Worst of all, she’s not inspiring other women to run against old incumbent Democratic men.

@tena FYI


Stop right there, Mister! How dare you sully the name and reputation of God’s elect? I plead with you to repent of your sin and confess that Jesus Christ is your personal Lord and Savior. If not, prepare to be struck down by the wrath of thine avenging God in 3,2,1,… :laughing:



LOL. As if we ever even tried that in the US. How would it be “warmed over”? And why are so many candidates singing from Bernie’s songbook if it’s so terrible?


That’s odd. McConnell is blowing it on behalf of all us by doing nothing in the senate, by bringing us Gorsuch and Kav, and denying BHO his selection of Garland. Also by bringing almost no bills to floor that Pelosi’s House has passed, had to be shamed by the 911 cop speaking days before he died into bringing a bill to the senate including compensation for first responders. He supports trumPP every day of his miserable life, but in advance we’re blaming Democrats for blowing something or other.


We have never “tried it in the U.S.” because it has never won in the U.S. Oh, it’s been tried by politicians going back to Henry Wallace, but they always lose. “LOL”


I agree. And its an attempt to change the subject.

Sadly though, it doesn’t seem particularly well delivered, and is once again going to result in him defending these comments. And that’s the much bigger problem going on with him and his campaign right now.

A smarter approach would have been to speak about moderate policies that we won on in 2018…like healthcare. Simply stating that he would not end ACA, but instead would move immediately to strengthen it and work with Democrats in Congress for ways to improve it seems to be a pretty easy play to make. Or high prices for pharmaceuticals.

But Biden is going to Biden, so he chose the path that will create controversy and result in him being defensive…to people in his own party.


I am sick to death of centrists like Biden. America needs to do something to share the wealth. We are never going to have a perfect union as long as nearly all the money goes to a handful at the top. In fact we are going to circle around the flushing toilet very quickly as we descend in to a world of increasingly few haves and more and more have nots.


Hey glad you brought him up!

More about Henry Wallace:

“The party bosses sought to remove Wallace from the ticket for Roosevelt’s third presidential run.

“The segregationists in the South hated him,” said Kuznick. “He was the leading spokesman for black civil rights. The misogynists hated him. He was the leading spokesperson for women’s inequality. The British and the French hated him. They implored Roosevelt to get him off the ticket as vice president because he was writing pamphlets and speaking openly about the need to end British and French colonialism. He said that America’s fascists are those people who think that Wall Street comes first and the American people second. ”

After FDR wrote a letter saying he would reject the nomination if Wallace was removed, the beloved progressive politician was put back on the ticket.

The more Useless Centrism “changes”, the more it stays the same

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Joe’s got his wealth, and he’s not going to share it with you.


Maybe not younger people specifically, but stifling progressive excitement seems to be the objective. The donors are in a panic over the thought of losing access.


Always has been. Always will be.

A total lack of imgination and enthusiasm generated by these three is astounding.

Trump will generate more from the Dems than three of them combined.

The mid-terms were largely won by moderate Dems.
About 54% of the party self-identifies as moderate.
About 17% self-identify as progressive.

That doesn’t mean that some good progressive ideas are not popular—they very much are.
But it does mean that Joe is on point about moderates.


Look, I am not saying take all the money away from millionaires and billionaires, I am saying we should tax them fairly and figure out ways to increase the money flowing to the rest of us. Maybe Democrats could promote unions or a higher minimum wage or healthcare for all or free education for our kids or better retirement plans. You know stuff Democrats used to stand for, not Biden’s duck and cover, cower in the face of billionaire crap.


The term “moderate” has two distinct meanings for Democratic elites like Joe and for rank and file Democrats.

If his mild response is seen as somehow inflammatory, there’s something very, very wrong. And it isn’t with Biden.


A complete failure, from start to finish.

Them good ol’ boys have nothing to worry about.

Oh, really?

And what would those distinct meanings be, pray tell?

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His answers to some pretty obvious questions in a short interview this morning were … unimpressive. He kept putting off answering to the future, because it was “too complicated” to explain in a short answer. He can’t keep punting without looking like he’s just not on top of things.