Biden Rips Trump For Barrett Nomination | Talking Points Memo

I wonder if they can test for ADD meds.

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Know what? That Murray was architect of legal strategy RBG used or that RBG had the power & KNEW the stakes? The latter is in NYT article. The former can be goggled if you doubt the veracity.

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If he had one, now would be the time to bring it out. What will all the losing in so many polls, a good health care plan could win the election for him. So why doesn’t he just show us? Oh yeah.


You contested. Not I.

She’s too busy breeding to respond.

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Of course.
Just pee enough volume and you can test for all sorts of drugs. Some have long biological half lives. Like most cannabis related chemicals for instance. Cocaine half life is far shorter. I am not sure about hydroxychloroquine but trump did brag about taking it for about two weeks.

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Agreed, let trump be the one to bring Biden’s family in - this is one area where taking the high road is the right approach.

So now we’ve heard from the “I know best” old white man contingency. Boring.

So name one person equal to RGB in fighting for women’s rights, that Obama could have gotten through the confirmation process. If you can.


They were, but the filibuster was till in place for Supreme Court nominees. Without getting the required votes, the Dems couldn’t move the nomination to a vote, which is what happened with Merick Garland:
“In April 2017, Senate Republicans led by Mitch McConnell extended the nuclear option to Supreme Court nominations in order to end debate on the nomination of [Neil Gorsuch]

There’s no reason to suppose, or not, that the Dems would have overturned that before to place Ginsberg’s replacement.


The truth is boring to who, you?
Who is the “old white male” contingency, here, you again?

He may be looking for a job, the polls for his seat show a very close race.

blah, blah, blah. I’m surprised you’re not on the SC, with all that knowledge and foresight.


Darrtown said

I assume you know the future in detail?
Bloomingpeonie said
RBG had the power. She had power to change history she failed to use it.
Darrtown said:
am a two time cancer survivor and I am not planning on checking out any time soon.
bloomingpeonie said:
I too am cancer survivor. I did not have power RBG had. Checking out was not the issue. Resigning while there was Democrat in Oval & Democratic majority in Senate was the issue.

It is in the past & cannot be changed. The truth matters.
… … …
Seems you were having a back and forth with @tena. So it was not I who began this. And it looks like others have chosen to join in.

And the NY times is always right as we all know. As are you.

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There is plenty of reason to suppose. Given Reid ended filibuster, RBG replacement nominee could have been rammed through. Just as GOP is doing now.

The past cannot be changed YET it is pertinent to what we face today.

Lame “comeback”. If you’re not an old white man you need to stop sounding like one. Did your husband tell you to post that?

Don’t shoot the messenger. Rebut, the facts or stop with your very boring blah, blah, blah

Lol, I don’t “sound” like one. You dishonor RBG legacy for assuming such. I have a vagina, it can take a pounding. Keep at it.

You’re the one avoiding facts, name one candidate as liberal, progressive, and as much as a fighter that Obama could have gotten on the court. Don’t forget to consider the ones he couldn’t get through. All you’re doing is saying over and over in different words that you know what was best for RBG. And I’m saying you don’t. Most men don’t.