Biden Rips Trump For Barrett Nomination | Talking Points Memo

You walk like a duck and talk like a duck, so …

Reid didn’t end the filibuster for the Supreme Court (see cited quote, it was McConnell,) and whether he would have or wouldn’t have is speculative. There’s simply no way to know that, and without that knowledge there’s no way to say that Ginsburg’s earlier resignation would have been meaningful.
If she’d resigned, and Reid hadn’t ended the filibuster, would you blaming him now for giving two seats to the Reactionaries? I really can’t see how this is a productive exercise for anything but identifying targets for misplaced ire. A waste of time.


You are flat out WRONG. Keep digging.

What facts? All we got was your opinion. Give me some facts to work with here.

Still waiting for facts, not opinion.

You said, facts were being avoided. List them.

There are none you can. You simply want to shoot the messenger. As you have none.

Your replies are borisome. Bye

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Just Posted: The NYT has obtained the president’s tax return information for thousands of personal and corporate returns going back decades. Here’s our first story.


Earlier Sunday, a day after officially nominating Barrett, Trump boasted in a tweet that the Affordable Care Act “will be replaced with a MUCH better, and FAR cheaper alternative, if it is terminated in the Supreme Court.”
… … …
Apparently trump does not understand how insurance operates. He is a transactional sort of guy so he should understand the insurance industry’s maxim…If you pay less you get less.
A couple years ago trump said “Healthcare is complicated. Who Knew?

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Just reading it. An October (not so surprising) surprise? And “This article offers an overview of The Times’s findings; additional articles will be published in the coming weeks.” Drip, drip, drip.

Yes, I’m going to Hell for being so gleeful. But then again, that is where all my friends will be, too.


Hoo boy. I bet trump will be having a melt down shortly.
Welp He wanted this job and he knew being POTUS meant living in a glass house…


IMO, it’s a Big Fucking Deal.


I agree
I doubt NYT’s income will be suffering.
Dang, now I may hafta subscribe.
I am reticent to send them my email address to get that “free” account.
But I did snag this…
… … …

Records Obtained by The Times After Years of Secrecy



Well, he did stop tens of Chinese people from visiting Universal Studios (while letting thousands return home from China).


Nur McConnell would not have taken up any nomination from a democratic president. Poof goes your argument.

Shit, I’m choking on it here.


Tease: Ivanka’s in it up to her… @teenlaqueefa

Careful, don’t lose your dinner.
I does my heart good to know donald is suffering with worry. He hates paying bills so agin I wonder who will be fronting his tax audit costs? Bet’cha he won’t. His companies? A fat cat donor? A Russian oligarch?
donnie dumped on the NYT calling them a failing newspaper. He is gonna regret bad mouthing them. I predict he will try to sue them. Which means discovery would be interesting.


It’s lost on them that any of the 9 justices could have passed during Obama’s term or Trump’s term and we’d be in exactly the same place. Sotomayor could have been hit by the cross town bus. Clarence the potted plant could have drowned in the bathtub. Before or after RBG retired or passed on.


None of us knows when the Grim Reaper will knock on our door. But I plan to keep that dude at bay if I can. At least thru January to see trump suffer legally speaking.


And Trump has proven that they last only as long as the next President feels they should.