Biden Rips Trump For Barrett Nomination | Talking Points Memo

Trump just said he was going to demand Biden take a drug test before the debate on Tuesday. Fuck you Trump. Hope Biden tell him that.


The Dems were majority in Senate from 2007-15 . Mitch was not a factor. RBG knew the stakes & refused to resign under BHO.

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Earlier Sunday, a day after officially nominating Barrett, Trump boasted in a tweet that the Affordable Care Act “will be replaced with a MUCH better, and FAR cheaper alternative, if it is terminated in the Supreme Court.”
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donald, my boy, you have boasted since your inauguration about your new and better health plan. First it was "two weeks from now (2017), then it was “soon”. Recently you said “by the end of August” It’s now near the end of September donald. You are nothing but a con man bullshitter Ponzi pyramid schemer and anyone with two working neurons to rub together knows it.

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What difference can that possibly make now since it happened in the past and can’t be changed?


Not an accident that.

Giving credit where credit is due. The past cannot be changed. The difference is RBG knew. Her note was woefully insignificant.

She was a brilliant jurist, alas she did not use her power to make it a lasting legacy that would endure.

In other words you just want to bitch about someone who devoted her entire life to issues that directly affected women and did everything she could to see that we are treated equally.

Talk about a waste of time and bandwidth.


Would a, could a, should a. Of course your vision is 20/20 in hind sight. And, you too, may die tomorrow and leave some mess that others have to deal with. Yours may not be on the same caliber so it is easy to what if. Of course, some people just want to poop on legacy/what they disagree with while wallowing in their doom and gloom. It didn’t happen, won’t happen and all the pot shots will get you what?


Truth is a bitch.
Murray also devoted her life to same issues. Murray WON the FIRST gender equality issue ruling from SCOTUS. RBG copied her legal strategy.

I assume you know the future in detail? Do tell me what the stock market will be doing in say 6 months or maybe two years from now? What new weather disasters will occur? Who will win the World Series for the next 10 years?
I am a two time cancer survivor and I am not planning on checking out any time soon.


How in the world would you know?


He can’t do that without taking one himself. I wonder how much they can find out from one vial of pee about his current mental condition.

So name just one person that Obama could have gotten confirmed to the court that would be as liberal or as much of a fighter for women as RBG. Just one. Or preferably shut up with the whole I’m a man so I know best shit.

RBG had the power. She had power to change history she failed to use it.

I too am cancer survivor. I did not have power RBG had. Checking out was not the issue. Resigning while there was Democrat in Oval & Democratic majority in Senate was the issue.

It is in the past & cannot be changed. The truth matters.

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He will retire to spend more time with his family. His family will migrate to an unnamed country to hide from him.

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I doubt trump knows anything about drug tests

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Why are you contesting this then?


Gonna laugh when the results show that he’s taking <drumroll> Centrum Silver!


When you make it to the SCOTUS, your opinions on the matter will be relevant.


trump’s drug test might be interesting…

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