Biden Rips Trump For Barrett Nomination | Talking Points Memo

Last night Trump said at his Middletown rally that because of his early and aggressive actions, many lives were saved.
I’d like to see an ad of Trump saying that and then the video proof that he did the opposite.


Along with “I downplayed the virus” followed by “I take no responsibility.”


Hillary and George stop by to give him a jolt of electricity and shoot something in his arm every time he’s gotta speak.
Joe should be required to doff his jacket and roll up his sleeves, like Gym Jordan, during the debate.
The tracks’ll give the whole show away.


“will be replaced with a MUCH better, and FAR cheaper alternative, if it is terminated in the Supreme Court.”

Republicans have had a decade to craft a health care plan. Where is it? Trump has had 3+ yrs to present America with an alternative to the ACA. Where is it? There is no plan because he is too lazy to create something, gain buy-in from voters and write the accompanying legislation to present to Congress. There will never be Trump Care. Never. He is a fraud.


I usually just read the article at the top of the comments page, they made it so convenient when they started putting the full text up there! I guess I’m throwing their numbers off. I only open the article page if I need to see the photo (rare) or if I especially want to give it the thumbs up. (So okay… I’ll go do that now for this one, thanks for the reminder.)


His pea brain thinks an executive order takes care of covering pre-existing conditions. E.O’s do not have the force of law.


This is very consequential for my dear sister who has a rare cancer AND health insurance through the ACA. She will never be able to afford health insurance if the ACA is struck down.


I’ll go beyond that: why does anybody think Moscow Mitch wouldn’t have gamed the system to hold up Ginsberg’s replacement like he did with Garland and Obama’s other possible judicial nominees?
I have no doubt that he’s enough of a ghoul to have been waiting around for her to die.


Biden’s speech today was spot on with message and delivery. His speechifying has improved immensely in the past 9 months. This was focused, positive and smooth. I like the Democratic strategy of emphasizing accessible affordable health care even with pre-existing conditions, which is especially important now with millions getting and surviving covid 19.


At my Board of Elections they had a big ole drop box on the front desk. The line was two people long so we held the door for each other, in a safe manner.


Suspect he is cursed by a dossier hidden in a filing cabinet somewhere.


Make her respond to this over and over and over.


I put my ballot in a drop box. The ballot is tracked with e mail updates. If your jurisdiction is like mine you’re probably good with e mail responses. If it’s a state run by vote suppressors, your photo idea may be wise to do.


Many many Dem groups have been doing a lot of focus groups to study what messages are resonating with the remaining uncommitted voters, and they are doing a really good job following the results of that. Whether or not it actually works well enough remains to be seen once the final tally is taken. But they are using the data and doing it right. If other shenanigans happen that mess this election up, and people try to rehash the tired old “messaging was wrong” trope, we need to remember that the Dems have actually been on top of this, they are being strategic, and following the data.

Sure, there are things that I personally would like to hear more, but I’m already voting for him. I’m not the one that needs to be reached right now. Let’s just get this thing done.


In Texas, nobody can use cameras (including those on cell phones) in a polling place. Not voters, not media, nobody.


There is a better Biden emerging on a daily basis. I think Current Occupant’s people are having shit-fits at the prospect of Joe peaking in time for the Tuesday night debate against their candidate. It could quickly turn into a genuine manhunt if Joe Biden runs Current Occupant into the ground in search of truth, while confronting him with his many obvious weaknesses. It could become a People vs Trump investigative hearing.


Jaime Harrison is quite competitive and Graham has been reduced to publicly pleading for money, so more likely than not, Lindsey’s not going to be in the next Senate.


Lord, in your great mercy, hear our prayer.


Attacking Melania will be seen as out of bounds by too many people.


She knew the stakes & how the system works. It was nothing but geriatric cancer ridden hubris that had her leave a pathetic last dying wish note instead. Kennedy knew to retire. I submit that RBG was furious in Feb 2007 when BHO threw his hat in the ring vs HRC. She was likely seething when BHO said “likeable enough” and refused to resign under the “upstart black male” POTUS who “stole”hers & HRC feminist dream. As well, she also appears to have been racially biased having hired only one black clerk in the 27 years she was jurist. One out of 159 in Twenty. Seven. Years.

Furthermore, her entire gender equality legal strategy was not hers. Pauli Murray was FIRST to win ruling from SCOTUS on gender equality. Murray was architect of legal strategy RBG used for her subsequent landmark rulings she is credited with. Murray was RBG mentor at ACLU. Murray received her JD from Howard, her Masters JD from Berkeley and her Doctorate JD from Yale. RBG stood on HER shoulders. Murray was a black woman.

RBG “tenaciously” held on despite knowing how SCOTUS system works as she was likely racially & gender biased despite having endured discrimination as Jew & woman.

Her legacy, thus has multiple truths & as such will likely be dismantled due to her “tenacity”

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