Biden Replaces Trump-era Social Security Commissioner | Talking Points Memo

Hey, Mitch - Just fuck you.


I remember on the morning of layoffs, people racing downstairs to see if their key card worked. If not, you be getting a call to the manager’s office before lunch.


The prior 2 weeks or so we had rain, had rain every day. It started out it would rain in the early morning, and then as the days went by the timing of the rain kept moving to later in the day.
Now we had a few hard down pours, but mostly is would rain for an hour. I kept seeing branches come down, some big and some not. I finally realized that they were dead limbs, and the weight of the water soaking into the dead wood is what was bringing them down.


I’m not complaining. Too many years of brutal weeks and months of 100+ weather with not a drop of rain. I really feel for you guys out west.

My vegetable garden is loving it, not to mention my trees.


This is one of those limits (like the estate tax exemption) that most people never see, and so don’t realize how life is different for the well-heeled.


I see a lawsuit by Saul against Zoom coming. How dare they take away his God-given right to video chat from home if he so chooses!


In the late 80s when there was a lot of “right sizing” going on, a company near where we lived at the time eliminated almost the entire middle management. Instead of piecemealing it out, they ordered the secretaries of those who were being canned to come in early on Monday a.m., pack up the bosses personal stuff and take the box to the parking lot and wait for the boss. As the executives arrived for work, their were handed the box of personal stuff in exchange for the ID card and sent home. If they’d had a company car, a taxi was called.

Can’t get much more traumatic than that. Not one scrap of dignity.


He was the writer and director of Eighth Grade, possibly the most true movie about the internet I’ve seen.


Too much flash flooding, over running everything. Humidity, high mold in the air. And just the gloom. This is a very unusual period. Tuesday, the estimates in my neighborhood area were 9-10 inches in a handful of hours if not shorter. Across the town it averaged at least 6 inches in that time. 2013 again but somewhat different. I went by the local park, just down from the house and has a major creek running through it. Center of the park I was seeing mud traces in the trees at the 8 foot level or so. It looks like the park was well underwater at that point. There are homes right off the road that get flooded and I could see debris all through their yards. Fences were plastered with it. This is not enjoyable at all.


No. I need my Social Security check.


Fucking Palmface


OT: Speaking of defying their boss, asshole parish priest about to face reality. He’s a real piece of work.


I am afraid you are right and that is part of his guiding principles. There is a raw sense of meanness to the GOP.


If he is a Republican. If he is a Democrat, he is illegitimate. Corollary to the conservative rule.


Wow. I had no idea - that doesn’t sound like fun. Sorry.

We’re in a normal-seeming monsoon pattern here - afternoon storms. It’s wonderful after a dry winter. Athough there has been flooding in southern New Mexico.


Sometimes they make a middle manager fire 50 people, then they fire him.


What he lacks in brains, he also lacks in charisma.


True. We’ve usually had strings of 100+ days by this point and the grass has usually turned brown and ready to catch fire by this time. On the flip side, this year’s garden exploded! Store and share level abundance and still coming in bumper! I sincerely wish it wasn’t an anomaly but gotta make good with what I get in centex. Seriously thinking about moving closer to cooler latitudes in a few years due to the damn heat.


“St. James The Less” is my new favorite name for a church.


Parts of San Antonio are or were a mess.

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