President Biden fired Trump-era Social Security Administration commissioner Andrew Saul on Friday.
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President Biden fired Trump-era Social Security Administration commissioner Andrew Saul on Friday.
How Mitch McConnell keeps from laughing ‘til he pukes whenever he warns of a dangerous precedent is beyond me.
Do Dejoy next!
Elections have con sequences.
Hey, Sen. Grassley, you know who else had “bipartisan backing”?
And Sen. McConnell, you know what really set a precedent for “dangerous politicization"?
If you SCOTUS-packing hypocrites weren’t so g-ddamn evil, your pathetic jackassery would be funny.
But it’s not – so STFU.
If there is evidence of that then it would be sufficient cause for terminating a top executive.
Not that much reason is needed considering how Trumpists repeatedly demonstrated that the difference between incompetence and malice can be vanishingly small when it comes to governing; both are destructive.
So, Moscow Mitch is concerned with the politicization of our government agencies, is he? What’s next, the same concern for the federal judiciary? And they say Republicans have no sense of humor.
Amen to that!
Every single Trump-appointed motherfucker should have been fired by now.
Can we say fire Dejoy instead.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said on Friday that he would be vehemently opposed to removing Saul.
Two word response to McConnel. They are short words. I am sure he will recognize them.
OT: I am wondering how many Texas are missing our hot, dry Julys right about now. I know I am. This rain is just mind numbing this week.
To Moscow Mitch: I can think of about 80 million people who are vehemently opposed to YOU!
The money people pay into Social Security is NOT a slush fund for Republican Party donors.
Republicans need to stop robbing from the poor, because, know what…? …with a handful of people earning $2,000 PER SECOND… we’re ALL poor.
I love how President Biden has zero fucks to give in firing these Trump rats.
… and I plan to pitch the first three innings of the All-Star game…
Everyone is suffering the consequences of our previous climate change inaction.