Behold The House GOP’s Never-Ending Stream Of Disinformation

Easy to overlook a significant story from late yesterday. There was a Special Election in Ohio's 6th, a VERY red district. In 2020, Trump won BY 30 and Vance BY 45! Yesterday, the R margin was 9 points - a gigantic swing.
I guaranty the Right isn't overlooking it.

Good morning.

— The Shallow State (@OurShallowState) June 12, 2024

He tells it ike it is.
2024: “I don’t care about you. All I care about is your vote.”


The projection is thick enough to cut with a knife.


I too started college in 1990. Community college in Texas was $125 for 12 hours, two years later state college was $250 for same load. 2 years later grad school was $500 per semester. I refer to this as the last days of a cheap education. Today, CC is $1000, and state U starts at 10k per semester, idk how much grad school is these days. This is why older people have trouble understanding student debt. And don’t get me started on deregulation, student loan shenanigans, lack of increase to Pell grants and scholarships etc… Most people I know leaving grad school today figure they will die in debt. I never borrowed a dime.


I didn’t, at first, want the mofo to serve time, but since the verdict, I want to see him jailed; jailed past the election, jailed past the inauguration, jailed past the next apparition of Comet Haley.


An extremely common practice among republicans. Every accusation is a confession.


You mean like Weisselberg and his $2 million severance pay?


My guess is these will be worth almost as much as the Ronald Reagan collectible plate my grandmother gifted me in her estate.


Just don’t see Rubio ultimately being Trump’s choice … oh, he will be dangled out there as a “possibility” to make the list of candidates look like it has some sort of credibility.
But - Trump could not possibly trust / rest easy with Rubio standing in the “on deck circle” - Rubio had & has presidential aspirations - Rubio quite clearly considered himself to be a superior qualified contender for the presidency - superior to dopey old insurectionist Trump.

Trump knows that if he had any significant health hiccup - Rubio would lead the charge to invoke the 25th … and have to believe that any VP possibility that raises the paranoia vibes in Trump - will get used for show & then given the “also ran” treatment.


Nor did I. I graded with my BA in 1969 from Cal State and graduate degrees from University of California in 1972 and 78. Payed a nominal amount for student fees. That was it. And then, in 1978, the wealthy people of California decided they weren’t rich enough.


I’d trade my 1951 Mickey Mantle Rookie Card plus the $30 for that beauty !


More seriously, Amanda Marcotte wrote a book essentially stating that this is the modus operandi of the entire right. It’s wrong to say that the right’s entire agenda is to piss off the center and the left, but it is correct to say that it is their primary tool. I think they realized that they’re more successful implementing their agenda when present it baldly, it will piss of the center and the left just by it’s very nature. If they can co-opt the language of the center and lefts agenda then the center and the left will get to work protecting the language and leave the right in peace with their wrecking ball.


In a new recording, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito lashes out at the news organization ProPublica, describing the news organization’s Pulitzer Prize-winning coverage of the Supreme Court as driven by political animus, insisting: “They don’t like our decisions.”


We could add into the mix that old argument “Are Catholics Really Christians”? And even though Sam and Martha-Ann are Catholics, I’m pretty sure that they dislike Pope Francis.


I never had any problem understanding the problem. The University of Vermont charged $1100 per year tuition to in-state kids back in 1975 (I started there in 1974). At that time, minimum wage, which is what a young woman could realistically earn straight out of high school back then, was $2.10 per hour. It took me 9 years to graduate, working full time and going to school part-time.


Scarborough was on tv this morning. One of their featured news stories concerned George H.W. Bush. He would have turned 100 today… if he wasn’t dead.

Our news media.


Doesn’t quite have the same zing as when he sold his garments or his bible.


Got a match? There are far better collectables than trump’s image.


If I were a business owner associated with two of the Abrahamic religions not-so-favored in this country, I think I’d be consulting with my property insurer about splitting the cost of reglazing at least the first two floors with Lexan replacing glass. If they’d pop for 3/8 inch, so much the better.

Would someone please forward this message to Mrs. Alito for me?

Sagt hier nein zur Kristallnacht


Doesn’t that make them the dreaded Cafeteria Catholics so much despised by the American Cardinals? Wait…that’s right the American Cardinals seem to hate Pope Francis too.