Behold The House GOP’s Never-Ending Stream Of Disinformation

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.

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I have NEVER been First! Ok. Well, now I have. What do I win?


The Hill descends into The Trashcan
I mean really Opinion by Mick Mulvaney

Opinion: What’s wrong with a little revenge? (


A limited edition of the TPM board game?




Ryan: You swear an oath to the Constitution and if you’re willing to suborn it to yourself, I think that makes you unfit for office

How refreshing it is that when a Republican is no longer in Congress, and holds no ambition to be there, can speak so candidly and soberly about the party leader. More of this, please.


Real Portrait In Courage™, that guy.


Good for Paul Ryan but his influence on any voters is pretty much zero. Still, I like hearing him say it.


We won’t forget!
Abortion Rights Look Set to Sweep Again on November Ballot (


Bannon Makes Final Push To Avoid Prison

With his July 1 deadline to report to prison looming, former Trump White House aide Steve Bannon filed an emergency motion with the DC Circuit to allow him to remain free while he seek Supreme Court review of his case.

Anyone waiting for Hunter Biden to extend his appeals out years beyond his conviction?

But there is no double-standard in the judicial world, right?


What amazes me is how the press encouirages Comer and his gang to simply lie to the American people.

“Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.” Mark Twain.



Justice Samuel Alito’s wife, Martha-Ann, once again unwitting made herself the internet’s Main Character on Tuesday after an undercover reporter released a secretly recorded conversation in which she nastily complained about her neighbor’s Pride flag and bizarrely declared “I’m German.”

“Look at me. I’m German, from Germany. My heritage is German,” she told a documentary maker who was posing as a conservative activist. “You come after me, I’m going to give it back to you. And there will be a way—it doesn’t have to be now—but there will be a way they will know. Don’t worry about it.”

Stefanie Weiss, an author, offered a fiery take, too.

“Martha Alito basically said ‘Naziism is in my blood and soon I’ll be able to get those dirty Jews who own the media, because my husband is making it possible. Also, fuck them gays,’” she wrote, adding that she believes Martha-Ann is a “trailer trash bitch.”

“Mostly this makes me think Mrs Alito is going to don a German drindle outfit, line up some dudes to paddle on the arse with a big piece of wood, eat several sausages and then make up words by ramming four of them together into one while also telling the world’s least funny jokes,” wrote the political consultant Liz Mair.


Free halo-polishing services performed by cherubs (or @kelaine) for all eternity.


What do you win?

You mean there are prizes?

I would think your award would be the ability to come tomorrow and try again…


Sure Fox, we are terrified of Where is my water glass Rubio
Democrats most ‘fear’ this possible Trump VP pick who ‘could spell the end for Biden’: Insiders | Fox News

“Rubio is a familiar face who has become one of the strongest voices in the Senate for the America First agenda, is excellent on TV, and can blast Biden effectively for his failed policies,” one top GOP strategist told Fox News Digital.


It’s ok David, you can call them what they are - outright lies. You don’t work for the zombie fourth estate, after all, so please call them what they are, lying sacks of shit.


Fox News spent much of Tuesday night suggesting that Hunter Biden’s conviction on gun-related charges is a plot—by the Department of Justice, Democrats and others—to protect President Joe Biden from being brought up on unspecified charges of his own.

Greg Gutfeld kicked off the conspiracies on The Five, saying that he foresaw Biden being imprisoned as part of some backroom deal involving the president.

“My sense is that Hunter is going to jail so Joe doesn’t have to,” Gutfeld said, not specifying for what reason he might be sentenced.

“And when he comes out, he will be rewarded for his loyalty like a made man in the Biden crime family. This is a distraction from the influence peddling and the kickbacks,” Gutfeld added, echoing the way Trump’s campaign reacted to the verdict.

In a statement to CNN, the campaign said that the week-long Delaware trial “has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia and Ukraine.”

Meanwhile, co-host Jesse Watters, who has repeatedly suggested that the Justice Department has been biased in its prosecution of Hunter Biden to the point of even “helping” him by charging him with crimes, stuck to that train of thought on Tuesday.


October Fest surprise in the works?


"Behold The House GOP’s Never-Ending Stream Of Disinformation"

Its almost as if the GOP and Russia’s Putin are using the same political manual.

…oh wait,


If this was his position while he had some influence why didn’t he speak up? We read that behind closed doors some republicans say what they “really” think about the fi. If you aren’t going to truly represent your constituents …go home, go fishing, go to hell. Either you have ethics, principles and honor or you don’t. Anyone name a living member of the gop that meets that description? Yeah. Me neither.