Behold The House GOP’s Never-Ending Stream Of Disinformation

self-evident political incompetence from any “operative” who claims Little Combover Marco is “excellent on TV.”


Let Bannon wander about until late July – that way he’s locked up until after the election. Works for me.


A heaping plate of scorn and ridicule for lack of a cat picture.


“Project 2025 will not be ‘stopped,’” Roberts said in a statement. He said the Democrats fighting Project 2025 are “more than welcome to try. We will not give up and we will win.”

I’ll say it a million times. These motherfuckers will not stop until they are made to stop. Project 2025 will become Project 2029, then Project 2033. They have tasted victory, they have seen what a fascist America could look like and they are itching for it. They are hoping we get bored and tired and then it’s lights out. For us. And for decent people all over the world. This is the fucking front lines, right here, right now. They showed us how relentless they were with Roe. You really think they’re ever going to stop? It’s going to take mass sedition trials and prison sentences to end this, and I only pray to god that we’re the ones holding the trials and not the ones on trial.



I have commented on this before, but the GOP leaders in Congress are mainly members of what I call the ‘after the smoke clears’ conference. They light all manner of fires dangerous to current and future society, seemingly without a worry that their lies could result in violence or destruction. This also extends to their views on the environment and public health. All I can figure is that they are confident that no matter how bad things might get, they, their families, and their friends will come out of it OK (I should also add many right wing billionaires to this conference…).


THe irE of those wHO were deprived of THis “honoR”.


Trump says he’ll work “side by side” with religious group that wants to “eradicate” abortion (

Donald Trump said he’ll work “side-by-side” with a newly formed religious group that wants to ban abortion if he is re-elected in November.

At its inaugural Life and Liberty Conference in Indiana on Monday, the group, dubbed The Danbury Institute, played a two-minute recording of Trump saying he will work with it to defend the values of “religious liberty, free speech, innocent life,” though he avoided using the word abortion, The Oregonian reported.

The Danbury Institute is an association of churches and organizations that says abortion is “the greatest atrocity facing the United States.” The Life and Liberty conference was held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention.


@AIWL, just kidding. But we do love a good cat pic in the morning.


Here’s hoping Martha-Ann embarrasses hubby into retirement.

Hey, a girl can dream, can’t she??

Also: “Drindle outfit”?? As someone who has actually owned and worn a Dirndl, just smdh…


Rubio is (kind of) a person of color. He is perceived to be attractive to Hispanic voters whom the GOP believe are a “gettable” demographic without being too brown for the NAZI faction. This is (of course) because as we all know Hispanic voter all vote in a bloc the same way all women vote in a bloc, all Jews vote in a bloc and LGBTQ folk vote in a bloc.


PROJECT 2025 is the grandiose fantasy of a lost tribe.


Everything the right does is Potemkin-level bullshit. I once watched a few minutes of this Gutfeld moron and I was just stunned at the infantile level of stupidity that passes for, I guess you’d call it humor, on the right. I mean, they instruct the idiot crew to laugh out loud as if this flatulent asshat is funny? They need to do that so the trained seals who make up their audience know when they heard a funny. Just fucking worthless on every level. Their news is lies. Their humor is rage tweets. Their compassion is kicking puppies. How fucking twisted are these pieces of shit? Boggles the imagination.


But each “story” they package exists in its own little universe in the media coverage instead of as another in the long and never-ending stream of disinformation.

Outstanding observation.


Damn. I forgot to post a picture of Hank. Daughter refers to him as a demon cat. He’s just a cat.
(I’m really bad at tech stuff. Lucky I can work my way through the Hive some days.)


You see that switch over there that is only revealed to Firsters? Yeah, don’t touch that.


I think this might be one of several root causes of our downfall. The post-war education boom is over and we’re starting a period reminiscent of Victorian Britain.



Nothing without a cat pic….


At this rate, before SCOTUS hears it, that won’t happen until next year.

Won’t happen at all if TIFBG is elected.