Behold The House GOP’s Never-Ending Stream Of Disinformation

I was going to say undying enmity, but I think Puppy has it covered.



We had to have crossed paths. I started there in late-76 as an older undergrad; graduated in '79. I think by then tuition had risen to $1,800.


Feeling a bit hawkish today?


It’s impossible to debunk each and every falsehood, half truth, and conspiracy ginned up by MAGA world — and that’s largely the point of their exercise.

“Flooding the zone with [shite]”, as Steve Bannon put it. But really! Republicans have been using this technique since at least the 1990s! Every op-ed, every utterance must contain so many lies, so many half truths, so many obscure references to wingnut conspiracy theories, that debunking a single column would take a couple full pages of newsprint. Even the attempt would be partial, leaving the rest of the screed standing – apparently.

Debunking is good, but insufficient. I’d like to suggest better screening, actual editing to make sure this stuff isn’t printed, broadcast, etc. But it will be a major job to get editors to turn on their advertisers. It’s an “all hands on deck” kind of project, at the least.


Martha Ann is a little old for a dirndl, isn’t she?


I think he’s going to need a bigger boat.

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Not all cartoons are “Suitable for framing” - this one certainly is!

Ranks up there with some from Walt Kelly - Pogo


MSM: why this is bad news for Biden…


Do we want to bet on the many times that Donnie violates the gag order and will be fined, will be more than the fine violating the Campaign Finance Law?


Nah, but I wouldn’t lose any sleep over Texas and Florida getting nuked.


But you will notice in an attempt to win over Opus Dei, Pope Francis has been issuing more homophobic slurs lately.


Some day I will read trump had a coronary event that takes him off the campaign and out of politics


Perhaps I should have said older people that have not been paying attention to changes in tuition and how student loans work today … Once I start explaining their jaw drops in disbelief.


Institutionally, it remains incredibly difficult for news outlets to conclude that these are bad faith efforts and adjust their coverage accordingly.

I’ve avoided mentioning this since the get-go, but my first college roommate and best man at my wedding was an editor at the NYT, and just happened to be there on 9-11. For that, he was given a Pulitzer (actually, it was the entire staff of the NYT, and NOT him in particular). He left the Times a few years after that tragedy, and ended up teaching journalism at a major university. I’ve only spoken to him once in the past couple of decades, part of the reason being that i let go of a close mutual friend of ours for his asinine and stupid, STUPID act of marriage infidelity with one of his students at the time. He was incredulous that i completely understood why she hit him and gave him a black eye. Anyway, I often wonder what my best man is teaching the new journalists these days that our country depends on to have a basic and reality-based understanding of the world around us. I no longer have his number. We’ve completely lost touch. I’m OK with that, but still, i wonder a lot about what’s being taught in a modern school of journalism.


He’s not that great at ramps either. I hope they make it wide enough for his golf cart.


Yup. It’s a corollary of Cleek’s Law, in that it is subject to turn on a dime.


Back in the 80s when I was working at the Post Office, there was this guy there that went to a Latin only Mass on Sundays. He considered people that went to English Mass, well, just a step above someone like me, who has stopped going to any Mass at all.


Probably. I started undergrad in 1974. Unable to pay the freight, I dropped out in 1976. In 1977, I tried again, but my workplace instituted mandatory overtime which cost me my courses. I tried one more time, re-enrolling in 1979, this time with support from my management, and graduated in 1983. I started out as an environmental studies major, but ended up with an electrical engineering degree (that’s what the company was willing to help pay for.)


And the suckers fall for it every time

Trump will keep fleecing the flock