AZ GOP’s Pick To Lead 2020 Audit Penned ‘Election Fraud’ Doc Used By Sidney Powell | Talking Points Memo

Good! I hope some of the inmates beat him with something.

The controversial effort by Arizona’s GOP Senate to “audit” the 2020 election results from the state’s largest county has taken an even more shambolic turn.
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“Controversial”? Well now, that’s putting it rather mildly I would say.


And inner city crime is whatever a police officer thinks when looking at black or brown person.


It’ll be interesting to see how much Dominion Voting Systems bashing there is in this fiasco. And what is the tipping point at which Dominion’s lawyers get interested enough to write sternly worded “shit’s about to get real” letters to the Arizona idiots fueling this farce.


How about the mathematical average between Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, and Beelzebub?


It said a Dominion exec had made “anti-USA, anti-police, anti-Trump and pro-Antifa” statements. It alleged other foreign countries, including Iran and China, were in a position to influence the U.S. election.

Yes, because anti-police includes … uh …

Hang on, let me check my notes.

Oh! For god’s sake. Let’s get this settled by the only person in the country that can do anything!
Where is Jared Kushner when you need him?


Obviously, it is time for Breyer to retire. He cannot possibly have missed the actions of Mitch McConnell over the past 12 or so years. If those did not raise his hackles regarding politicizing the court, I don’t see how they are up now.


Just how long will it be until they get sued by Dominion, too? In Arizona, like so many states with Republican control of legislatures in certifiably purple states (which they all really are) they aren’t looking for the truth, they are looking for a lie they might agree on and promote. It is inevitable they will have to accuse the vote machine companies of some sort of fraud to promote their mutual lie, and the ones among them who conspire actively to do just that will face the same sort of civil legal liability that FOX and Rudy now face.
They can’t believe reality, so they will make up one of their own and try to sell it to the “woke” among us, and we will all just shake our heads and lament the double standard that we can’t do anything about because we are too moral to use their cheating tactics against them.
Simple as that.
Bad guys always have that advantage.
We just let them inhabit politics as if they belong there.
Oh, wait…


Hopefully qualified immunity will not apply to these government officials, and lawsuits will bring everything into alignment. These things have a way of working themselves out.

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Not so subtle way of saying he is incarcerated with people of color and he wants to be locked up with cattle rustlers, cow-tippers and moonshiners?


So not really “Cyber Ninjas” as much as wankers wearing black pajamas and socks.

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There’s an ointment for that.


Who cleans up the mess when this idiot’s head explodes once he realizes ballots are not traceable to individual voters?

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Remember, it is customary here for the MSM on slow news days to feature “Arizona lights,” one of a number of UFO lalapaloozas for the RWNJ faithful who tend to swallow things whole like election fraud conspiracy propaganda.

Shhhh. I think we can all agree not to tell either of them about it, right? :smirk:

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Well, I guess that’s what you have here: an article published by someone who claims to be an auditor that advances wild theories based on anecdotal claims that were personally communicated to the author. I would prefer an auditor who looks at the actual evidence and if he feels it necessary to advance wild theories that there be some actual evidence that can be put in writing.

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@justruss " Cyber Ninja is beginning to sound like the Fruit Ninja. I wonder how his business is actually doing? Does he have any actual…"

You can’t see him because that what Ninjas do. Especially "Sooper Ninjas."

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Considering my initial post was initially on 4/3, that would be a “yes”.

If anyone thinks that the AZ GOP was going to hire anyone but a company that shared their world view, then you are mistaken. Just as Doug’s political beliefs landed this gig, it probably cost him others. Capitalism at work.

Doug is professionally surrounded (peers) by top security researchers, experts and instructors who share a wide variety of world views many of whom I know were as Anti-Trump/Coup as they come. There will be peer pressure to stick to the facts that are present and not launch into conjecture. That’s how information security operates. Just having those people (all of whom are quite vocal on social media) openly review Doug’s work will either immediately support the findings (there’s no there…there) or call out the errors of the report.

This won’t be able to be hidden which is something AZGOP wants. They want a McCarthy paper that they can show that they have found the names of the Commies…but don’t want to share the names as the hoax/lie will be fatally exposed.

I think what I’m getting from all this is a lack of “due diligence”. And I guess it shouldn’t surprise me that if you’re in a political party and start asking around who could work on this that someone would recommend someone like minded, but this is tax payer’s money being spent. Tax payer money that is paying for this program of political theater.
I question all of this as someone who in the last two years gained some more detailed knowledge of how my own BOE for my county works, and that’s because I went to a meeting to hear my state rep speak, and not realizing that it wasn’t her event but a meeting of the local state progressives in my county. I learned quite a bit more about how elections work, more than that general (waves fluttering hand in air gesture) that one learns in school. The Democratic Commissioner was there to talk about the new machines were getting, and he presented what is probably his well prepared presentation. The attendees were all well versed in the systems so they were asking more detailed questions.
With all of that said I questioned this originally as someone who has recently learned how my own BOE works, some of the problems that they faced, and more interesting to me is the how the process has developed over time. Which is why I question the whole need to do this in Maricopa County.

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