Well, this one time I had it in this place in San Diego it was a pretty good meal. But see, they think if I can have it and they can’t, because I got vaccinated and they didn’t, then they’re being discriminated against and that’s so unfair waaaaaah. It’s like putting a yellow star on people. And then herding them into cattle cars, taking them across Europe, putting them on a train platform and sending some to be worked to death over time and others to be sealed in a huge chamber and gassed to death, men, women, children, all.
“Arizona GOPer Compares Not Letting Legislature Throw Out Election Results To Lynching.”
If we stop teaching historical racism and the Holocaust in America’s classrooms, how will future Republicans know what false equivalencies to use for their anti-vax and pro-fascist Pink Fragility gaffes?
So a quick look on Professor Google indicates that making a lot of roux and refrigerating or freezing it for later is an option. Doesn’t help you today, but makes the next batch quicker…
And dudes with 1880 cosplay moustaches say the dumbest, most criminal things. (I guess they all have active fantasy lives involving being cattle barons or something?)